The next morning

I woke up as first. Lillith: "WAKE UP! WE ARE LATE FOR BREAKFAST!!" Toya screamed and landed on the floor. "Kitten for what was that. We have still 15min to breakfast." "I know but with you we will be late." Toya gave me a death glare and I just laughed at him. Tenko: "Are you finished? We need to go." Toga: "Tenko-san how are you so fast?" "I stand up and immediately put on my clothes. So get ready. I know how long you need to put on your clothes." We started to put on our clothes. As we were finished I opened the door. Tenko: "Lillith your eye." "Ups sorry Tenko. But with what can I cover my eye?" Toga: "I have an idea, Lillith-chan." She took out a knife and went towards Toya's blanket. Toya: "Toga don't use my blanket." "Toya-san you always have to warm because of your power." "If you mean Toga." She cut a slice off Toya's blanket, "Here Lillith-chan." She went behind my back and tied the slice of the blanket over my eye. Lillith: "I'm ready. Let's go." We went to the Mess Hall. Before I opened the door I just stood there. Toya: "Hey kitten everything okay?" "Not really I'm just a bit nervous." Tenko: "Just tell them that you hurt yourself and you don't want them to see it because it's so bad." Lillith: "I hope it works. Levi saw the eye." Toga: "If he does something he doesn't have any blood left" After her words she opened the door and hopped through the Hall to their table. We just watched her disturbingly. I snapped out of it. Lillith: "Guys we need to have breakfast." We entered the Hall, and I went towards my table. Lillith: "Good morning guys." Hanji: "Morning L. What happened to you?" "We fought with knives and Toya accidently hit me in the eye. It was my fault. I mean it was my idea." 'Please let them believe it.' Erwin: "You fought with knives?" "Yes. I mean Toga always has some knives with her. I don't know how but she has always some." Mike: "Can we see it?" "That would be not a good idea. It still bleeds a little bit." Hanji: "Okay L. A yeah one thing. TOYA IF YOU HURT HER LIKE THAT AGAIN SHORTY WILL KILL YOU!!" Toya: "Whhaaatt?" Lillith (in her mind talking to Toya): "I said you hurt me in a knife fight." Toya (loud): "I'm sorry I didn't want to hurt kitten. It hurts myself if I see her hurt and what do you mean by getting hurt from Levi?" Hanji: "Don't you see it? Levi is in—" Levi put his hand in front of her mouth. "Shitty glasses shut up." Hanji sat back down with a smirk. When we started to eat I had a feeling that somebody was watching me. I looked up and stared Levi in the eyes. 'So he watched me the whole breakfast.' We just stared in each other eyes. Levi: "Lillith after breakfast in my office." "What? Why?? I did nothing." Hanji: "Uhh Levi what do you want to do with L?" "Nothing I just need an answer about a question. Not that question you think about Hanji." Erwin: "Do you mean about the thing you told me before breakfast." 'What does he know too. Oh shit.' Levi: "Yes Erwin. Yes." Erwin: "That would explain her bandage over her eye." I stood up. "Guys I need fresh air." Toga, Tenko and Toya knew what I meant. They stood up and went to us. Tenko: "If you excuse us we need to go." I stood up and suddenly somebody grabbed my wrist. Levi: "You are not going anywhere." Erwin: "You need to give us answers." Lillith: "We don't need to give you some." Levi: "If I were you brat I would be silent. You are four we are more than fourteen. Fourteen soldiers who can easily get you on your knees." I freed me of his grip and started to laugh. A psychopathic laugh. They were shocked. Lillith: "You beating us? That's funny. Humans beating us?" Eren: "You're humans too." Sasha: "Yeah. Here are just living humans and titans." Connie: "Are you titans?" Toya: "Tch. Humans. Humans. Humans. We aren't titan-shifters. We are something better." Armin: "You are the monsters from the legends. Am I right?" Tenko: "We let you live. Why are you calling us monsters?" Jean: "Explain it to us now." Toga: "We threatened to kill him if he says something to you. We wanted to tell you guys about us. We saw your reaction and now we know humans never change. They want to kill us for no reasons." Reiner: "You're lying. Armin tell us the truth?" Armin: "They aren't. I found a book in the library. But there's written about eight monsters, and they are dead." Lillith: "These eight are dead but not their children." Hanji: "That's why your Last names are so familiar. But Lillith doesn't have one of the last names of the monsters?" Lillith: "I have it. I used the last name from my uncle as disguise. He is my uncle, that's true. But how am I his niece? I'm the daughter of his sister." Mike: "He had a sister?" Erwin: "Indeed he had one. Wasn't her name Kaytlin?" "How do you know my mother's name?" "My father told me about your mother. Your mother and my father were good friends before I was born. He loved her. But she didn't." "Why do you know more things about my mom as I do? A yeah because your father was one of these bastards that killed our parents. Now I remember who you're similar with." Levi: "Can we talk about this another time. Who are you now Lillith. If even your real name is Lillith." "The first name Lillith is right. My name is Hunter. Lillith Sakura Hunter." Hanji: "L is a Hunter? I LOVE IT. AHHHHH!!" "Shut up four eyes they are the enemy." I twitched and screamed. Toya: "You asshole. Is that what you say to your mate!" Levi looked over to him shocked. "Kitten look to me." He took the bandage off and saw the black/white eye bleeding black. Toya: "Now you really piss me off, you bastard." He lit up a blue flame on his hand. "Burned human that would be good." He pointed at Levi. Toga screamed "Toya! Look out!" I looked on Toya left and saw a knife flying. I ran towards the knife and got hit by it. Tenko: "Kid are you alright?" I stood up, took the knife out of my body, saw the black blood flowing down my body and the hole in my body growled together. Lillith: "I never felt better Tenko. Let's blow this shit place up." With these words we ran out of the HQ's. The scouts followed us outside. At the entrance we saw some scouts waiting for us. We turned around and saw Erwin and his friends. Erwin: "We can handle these things out." Toga: "Sure if we are your enemies then we will be getting along." Hanji: "Do you really believe what shorty said?" Lillith: "I need to I can't do anything else. I can't choose my mate. You know I was happy it is him. But now I just regret having no choice deciding it." It hurt me to say that. I saw how it hurt him too. 'I don't care about it now. I just want to live in peace outside these stupid walls.' Armin: "Why aren't you happy anymore. He likes you too. We know he wouldn't admit it but it's true. Do you really want to leave your mate behind? Even you Tenko do you want to go leaving Hanji behind?" "Whaaat?", said Hanji while blushing. Tenko: "What are you talking about human?" Armin: "See you know I'm right. Toya do you really want to leave your love behind." Toya: "Tch I don't love anybody." Armin: "Everybody saw it how you are in his presence. You saw it too how he was around you right, Erwin?" Erwin was shocked same as Toya. 'That kid is really smart. If I wouldn't be the daughter of Urbel I would have fallen for that.' Lillith (saying in her mind to the others): "Don't let him get through you. I know you love them. I even knew about you Toga. But we need to go now. If you want to stay here stay. If you want to come with me come with me. I don't force you to anything." Tenko (saying out loud): "I stay with you Lillith!" Toga, Toya: "We agree!" Lillith: "Alright guys. Armin you're really a smart guy. The thing is it won't work on us. Everything you say is true. I mean I can read minds, so I always knew it. Even the love interest of Mike. She loves him too. But we only need us four. We always had only us four. Do you really think we want to live with humans. Do you want to live with people who see you as monsters? We don't. So let us go and we don't need to hurt anybody." Erwin: "Like you heard Armin, we can't let you go. We could keep your real identity safe and live together like we did before." Lillith (in her mind to Toya): "Toya when I finish my sentence create a wall of flames around as. Meanwhile I can create a portal and I post this letter here." Lillith (loud): "Nothing will be as before. You are scared of us. You can say what you want but we see it. Even though I know it. It won't work. I think it's a goodbye forever. Toya now." With this sentence he created a firewall around us while I created a black wrap gate. Lillith: "Jump through it we need to move." We jumped through it, and I left the letter there.

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