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This chapter is dedicated to @pamagner07


The thunder and lightning continues to rumble in the dark sky. The rain kept on pouring very hard on the outside. The only light inside the room was the small gas lantern that won't stay lit much longer since it already consumed half of the kerosene. It's already morning but still dark outside.

Lisa rests her body against the door frame and stare at the woman sitting on the edge of the bed. Moments later she approached her and leaned forward.

"Was I that ruthless?" Lisa whispered as Jennie's raised chin so she could meet her eyes.

Jennie subtly removed her face from Lisa's grasp. "You were drunk."

"I'm sorry," the Thai says while staring at her intently. "It won't happen again. I promise."

"Of course," she mocked. "You never sleep with prostitutes."

"I meant the ruthless part," she corrected while closing the distance between them. She kissed her lightly on the lips after hesitating for a moment.

Jennie suddenly felt a shiver down her spine. Lisa's kisses were so slow that it leaves her breathless and yearning. The Thai bit her lips lightly, nibbling as if she was just an eating an apple.

Lisa hands explored Jennie's whole body by softly tracing skin. It's like only the hairs on her skin were being touched by her caresses, but they seemed to aroused every tiny bits of her entire being.

In slow gentle strokes, Lisa's hands glided underneath Jennie's shirt. It gave her a sensation so arousing that she had to writhe in all directions. She caressed her body starting from her waist... to her hips... to her chests. Even her thighs and feet were not left untouched. She was barely even touching her skin but she was almost recoiling in ecstacy.

Lisa sat behind her and slowly took off her shirt and kissed whatever skin the garment left behind. She was kissing her back in slow, gentle and teasing strokes. She could hardly breathe with the way she was making her feel in bliss.

Jennie savored every moment while caressing Lisa's bare skin as she had no chance to do it on their first night. The Thai guided her inexperienced hands towards intimate zones where she wanted to be touched.

Lisa kissed and caressed parts of Jennie's body where bone meets the skin... her shoulder blades... her collarbone... her ribcage. She buried her hand in her thick hair and inevitably moaned at the sensations.

The thunder continued to rumble and the rain still pouring outside but the two didn't care as they are in they're own paradise.

Lisa saw a gleam of hesitation in her eyes before the union of their bodies took place. She looked at Jennie with soft eyes and whispered, "Trust me..."

She closed her eyes and nodded.


"Did I make up for last night?" Lisa asked as she showered Jennie's face with butterfly kisses. She was laying her head comfortably on other's arm while her fingers were playing on her chest.

She smiled then nodded. "It was much more than I expected."

Lisa leaned her head down to meet her eyes. "I'm really sorry about last night," she stated in a serious manner.

"This is the second time that I heard it from you."

"I mean it," she says while caressing Jennie's cheek. "Being too drunk is not an excuse to treat you the way I did."

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