First Year: pt 1

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TW: Mentions of SA

"Y/n Potter!", The young girls name was called out, it was her turn to be sorted into a house, she hoped her twin brother, James Potter, would be in the same house as her. She made her way up to the little wooden stool and sat down as the hat was placed on her head, 'hm, very strong mind you have here, loyal... Hufflepuff? No no, not right, Ah just like your father, very strong sense of justice, I know... GRYFFINDOR!" she breathed a sigh of relief as she made her way to the Gryffindor table.

"Hey! N/n guess where in the same house!" James exclaimed excitedly as he sat down by his sister, "Sirius Black!" Professor McGonagall yelled, the great Hall fell silent at his name, as Sirius sat down you could tell he was nervous, "GRYFFINDOR!" The sorting hat shouted, Sirius's face relaxed as he made his way to their table, "I should talk to him", James muttered, he waved down the black haired boy, Sirius was sceptical, but nevertheless he sat with the potter boy.

Y/n was nervous, she knew Sirius's mother wasn't the kindest witch and was worried Sirius was the same, "Hi, I'm James", He introduced himself as he held his hand out, "Sirius", Black responded while shaking James's hand. Y/n looked at Sirius as he grinned at her brother, as the two boys conversed, a red haired girl sat down beside y/n, "I'm Molly! Would you like to be friends?" She smiled a toothy grin at y/n, waiting for her response, "Sure, I'm y/n", she grinned just as wide.

"Ugh! Why potions, I hate potions!" James dramatised as he 'fell' onto y/n, "James stop being a baby, it's not the bad, I hear professor Slughorn is nice!", "Yeah but you're great at potions", James complained. Soon Molly came down from the dorms and greeted y/n, "ready for potions?" She giggled, "sure am", y/n laughed as they made their way to the dungeons.

"Okay class! Today we're going to start with the basics, I want you to make a simple sleeping draught, the ingredients are on the bored", please work in pairs with the person at your table", professor Slughorn explained, y/n turned to the boy next to her, who was already pulling out ingredients, "I'm y/n, I guess we're partners" y/n smiled as she greeted the boy next to her, "Severus, Severus Snape", the boy greeted back, "Well let's get started shall we?".

"No potter! You should crush the newt tails instead of cutting them", Snape snarled, y/n had no idea what he was talking about, but the potion turned out better than the others. "Well done class! For homework I want 8 inches of parchment explaining the uses of newt eyes in potions", Slughorn Smiled as his students left the room.

Y/n was walking through the halls to get to the great Hall when out of nowhere a pale hand grabbed her by the shoulder and pushed her into the wall, "What do you think you're getting at potter? You should know better than to converse with Slytherins, you know, the superiors, ha look at you, so...Small", The blonde pushed her further against the wall as he grabbed her chin, "Awe, scared are we? Don't worry darling, we're gonna have so much fun", he growled as he leaned in to kiss her, "Oi! Get off her you big Git!" Sirius shouted as he pulled the older male off of her, "What do you think you're doing you slag!" The blonde was about to retaliate but Sirius punched him right in the jaw before he could.

"Come on y/n, I'm sure James would love to hear about this", Sirius huffed as he pulled the frightened girl into him, he escorted her to their Common room where James sat talking to two boys she hadn't met yet, "Oi James, mate!" Sirius shouted as he walked over to him, "Some tosser just tried forcing themselves into your sister!" James's head snapped towards him at that, he jumped up from the couch and rushed to his sister, "Are you okay? Do you know his name?", He grabbed his sister's face in his hands as he checked her over, "She's fine, it was that third year, Malfoy", a visible vein popped in James's temple, "James, who's this?" A tall boy clad in a knit sweater asked, "Remus mate, this is y/n, my twin sister, y/n this is Remus, one of my friends, and that over there is Peter", James explains, the short boy still eat on the couch offered a small wave, "It's a pleasure to meet you y/n", Remus smiled, "likewise", y/n nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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