"Hermione and I finished neutralizing the side effects of Alaric's ring. Now, if he does die, his consciousness will not be affected while dead. Hermione also added a charm to alert her if he's in danger, so we can provide backup to hopefully prevent him from dying again," Bill told Lei. She was getting ready to leave for The Grill for some of their Chili cheese fries when Bill came up to her. "Okay, let's head to the Salvatores and give it to Damon," Lei put her leather jacket on and moved to leave.

The two of them apparated close to the Salvatores' front door when they were attacked by three vampires. One vampire had Bill by the throat and was getting ready to bite him when Bill non-verbally shot a Stupefy at him. The vampire flew several feet into the air before crashing into a tree, splintering it and sending wooden spears through him, killing him. Bill turned to Leilani to help her but saw it wasn't needed.

Two vampires caught Leilani off-guard. One was holding her arms to her sides while the other was trying to bite her. In her anger, Lei's magic lashed out and sent both vampires flying. When they landed, they rushed back at her. Lei turned and incinerated the one that held her down, then immobilized the other. She wanted to question them, "Why did you attack us? Who sent you?" The vampire just glared at the witch, not answering.

Leilani, in her agitated state, grew impatient, "Fine. You don't want to tell me; I'll find out for myself. Legilimens..." Lei was thrown into the vampire's mind, which was painful for the vampire. Both Damon and Stefan came outside of their home after hearing the screams of the vampire. Bill told them not to interrupt her.

The longer Leilani was in the vampire's mind the more pissed off she became. Images of John, Isobel, and Katherine, before her death, were shown. The three of them were planning the deaths of every supernatural being in Mystic Falls to protect the Doppelganger. These three vampires were Isobel's lackeys that also followed John's orders. The most recent image was John giving them the order to get rid of Leilani and whoever she was with, no matter who it was. This made Lei's magic lash out again, subsequently frying the vampire's brain before she set him on fire.

Damon slowly approached his friend, who was trying to reel in her magic before it became destructive, "Lei?" Her head snapped up to face Damon. He fought the instinct to take a few steps back. The look on her face was murderous, her eyes glowing a bright emerald green. The same shade as the killing curse she used on Katherine. Damon held his hands up to show he meant her no harm, "Come on. Let's go inside and have a drink and take some deep breaths. Then you can tell us what happened so we can figure out what to do next."

Leilani slowly turned her head toward Bill and Stefan to see them give a subtle nod. She slowly stood up and made her way inside the Boarding house with the others following her. Stefan was the last one in, he looked around to make sure nobody else was there as he closed the door. The four of them sat in the sitting room with tumblers of Bourbon.

Stefan was the first to speak after he noticed Leilani calmed down a little, "What happened?" Not wanting to upset Lei again, Bill answered, "We were on our way to return Alaric's ring when we were attacked." "So, were you able to fix it?" Damon was concerned for his drinking buddy and wanting to divert the subject of the attack for the moment. Bill nodded, "Yes, we were able to. Can you call him over, so we don't have to repeat ourselves?" Damon nodded his head while pulling out his cell phone.

A few minutes later, the silence of the Boarding was broken by Alaric and Jeremy entering. "Okay, I'm here," Alaric says as he enters the sitting room with Jeremy. The teenager points back to the door, "Did you know there's a vampire staked to a tree in your front yard?" The way he casually stated the question like it was an everyday occurrence had Damon and Lei cracking a small smile. Stefan ran his fingers through his hero-hair and sighed, "I'll deal with it later."

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