Chapter 4 (Meeting the Gray, Reunite With the Gold )

Start from the beginning

I put my rear away from the chair then walk to meet the old man. Despite his age and graying hair he still looks handsome at his sharp expensive suit. He was flashing his bright smile to me.

"Mr. Williams you shouldn't come if you are not in the good shape."

"Nah. I couldn't miss this opportunity of meeting the very great Mr. Gregory Kostas. This wheelchair is just a bit of a problem for the old man. Don't mind it."

I flashed a smile on my face and move my hand forward, offering him a hand shake.

"It is my pleasure meeting you, Mr. Williams."

"It is my pleasure to meet you too, Mr. Kostas."

For the next one and a half hour, we talk about everything. We exchange our opinions about business, politics, society, history and even about women. Mr. Williams is a very accommodating man. He talks and laughs. He has a great sense of humor. You won't dislike every single thing about him.

"And you know what, when I was seventeen, I was jailed for two days because I grabbed the boob of a chick I met on the beach. I told the cop that I was only searching for my lost bread and the woman is my primary suspect. So I check her bloated boobs to clarify my suspicion. But I was wrong," I swing my head backwards and laugh hard. My eyes are moist due to too much laughing.

"I can't believe you say that." I laughed. "What happened to the woman?"

"She became my first love, Greg." I smiled when I saw the glitter in his eyes.

"We tie the knot together. We lived in one roof, build a family together. She is my queen and I am his king. Unfortunately, she can't continue to rule our kingdom anymore. She died due to cancer eight years ago." This time, Mr. Williams' eyes were reflecting sadness when he said the last sentences.

"I'm so sorry to hear that Mr. Williams." I said with all trace of humor gone.

"No. Don't be sorry. She may be dead but her memories and love will always be in my mind and in my soul. Besides, I still have our prince, my son, to continue in ruling our kingdom. I hope that he will change and grow up as a responsible man just like you."

"I was hoping for that too, Mr. Williams."

"How about you, Greg, you never mention anything about your marriage and your wife. Tell me about her."

I was beginning to open my mouth when a woman in white nursing uniform with a tray on her hand entered the room. She is not the same woman who came earlier carrying Mr. Williams. 

"I'm sorry to interrupt your meeting, John. But it is time to drink your medicine." She handed the medicine to Mr. Williams.

Why is it that her voice is so much familiar? The voice of....... No it can't be her. I tried to search for her face but I cannot see very well because she was facing the other direction. I study the appearance of the woman when she suddenly moves her head, facing me.

Golden locks of shoulder-length hair, hazel brown eyes, long cute nose, and pouty cherry-lips. She's still beautiful as ever. "Chloe,"

I was terribly dumbfounded that I unconsciously utter her name. I cannot move and I cannot breath. I cannot believe she is right here in front of me. It has been three years and I was longing to see her. I found her face resembles mine. Her eyes were round in shock. Her face was full of recognition and bewilderment. I stare at her for about a century.

 I miss her. Badly.

I want to hug her. Kiss her. And talk to her.

"You know each other?" I was so lost in thoughts that I forgot Mr. Williams is here.


"Yes." We speak at the same time but in different answer. It only made the confusion in Mr. Williams face wider. He turns his face towards me seeking for an explanation.

"We were acquaintance in college. It seems like she can't locate me in her memory, anymore. We were good friends back then." I saw her face twitch in anger when I emphasize the word 'friends'. I only made this story for Mr. Williams.

"Very well, then. I will leave the two of you here so you can talk and reminisce the old times. The old man has to rest. "

"John, I—"

"Chloe, we were going to talk for a while. Please." I interrupted her when she was about to follow Mr. Williams. Her glare was her only answer. The doors were closed and Mr. Williams was gone .We were now alone. I move forward to reach Chloe but she only move two steps backward. I can read the hatred burning in her hazel brown eyes. Her face was in fury.

"Don't come near me."

I didn't listen to her. I move forward, instead.

"I said don't come near me—"

After a long stride I brought my face down to her face and kiss her longingly, stopping her in mid-sentence. I know I have to explain everything that happens three years ago, but I cannot stop the urge of feeling her lips. She was not responding to my kisses and it hurts me a lot. She used to respond to my kisses. I started to make it slow and rub my lips to her tenderly as if I was afraid to break her. I smiled between our kisses when I felt her starting to respond. The kiss became faster, deeper, and demanding until we are run out of our breaths. I stopped then hug her tightly into my arms.

We embrace each other in ten minutes...twenty....thirty... I don't know how long. Because it feels so good to have her in my arms.

"Chloe, what happened three years ago....."

"Greg, please. Don't destroy this moment. I don't need your explanations, right now. I only need your kisses this time."

Our lips met again in an insatiable kiss. I heard my phone ring on my pocket but I disregarded it and continue to kiss her. It stopped after a few seconds but started ringing again.

I fetch my phone unwillingly from my pocket and click the answer button, still locking Chloe in my arms.


"There is an emergency, Sir. Mrs. Amanda Kostas passed out earlier and I brought her here in the hospital. She was currently examined. " Roger said in a calm voice.

"Send me the address of the hospital."

I ended the call and face Chloe. "I need to end something. Are you willing to wait for me?"

She nodded.

"Good." I kissed and hugged her before I leave.

God! That b*tch always ruined everything. I won't let her do it this time.

(End of Chapter Four)


Big hi to you! I know i haven't updated for a century and I feel guilty for not having a good excuse. I will try to update more frequently. I miss writing and I miss you too, guys. =D

Big sorry,


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