Donna frowned, eyes narrowing as she took in the stares and whispers Ree was receiving. As two tiny Freshmen boys walked by, staring at Ree before laughing between themselves, Donna grabbed their arms roughly and shoved them against the lockers.

"Why the hell are you staring at Ree?" Donna growled, glaring at them sharply.

"I - um," One of the boys stuttered.

"Tell me!"

Ree's eyes widened at her friend's actions, but didn't intervene. Donna may be scary as hell, she thought, but the girl got results.

"We - we heard she's been making out with Chris Anderson and Michael Kelso!"

Ree's jaw dropped. "What?" She snapped, glaring at the two boys heatedly. "Where the hell did you hear that from?"

"From everyone!" The other boy said, frantically. "It's all over school!"

Well, that Ree knew. Frowning deeply, she crossed her arms and sank back against the lockers.

Donna let the boys go, dropping their arms roughly, and they ran off. She sent Ree a small smile, attempting to make her feel better, but Ree couldn't bring herself to even attempt one back.

"What is going on, Donna?" The blonde practically whined, leaning her head against her friend's shoulder.

"I have no idea, but I'll kick whoever's ass I need to," Donna said, fiercely, wrapping an arm around Ree.

Ree shot up quickly, "Oh my god - Jackie," she spoke, eyes wide. "She's gonna be pissed if she hears this!"

Donna cringed, "Crap. We'll just have to explain that it's not true."

"And Jackie Burkhart is going to listen to reason?" Ree asked, sending Donna a blank look.

"Well, it's the truth!" Donna exclaimed. "Right?"

    "Donna!" Ree exclaimed, jaw dropping again. "Of course it's the truth."

Her friend chuckled, "Just checking. I mean, the two of you did date."

Ree rolled her eyes so hard she was scared they were going to roll right out of her head. "Like two years ago. We were still kids! And you know I would never be with him again."

The warning bell rang, signaling they only had a few moments to make it to class. Ree, not needing anymore problems today, sighed deeply before heading to Geometry alongside Donna. She couldn't afford a tardy or, God forbid, a detention on top of everything else going on.

While she was known for her meticulous and detailed notes, Ree found she couldn't concentrate. Her leg jiggled beneath her desk as she clicked her pen incessantly, staring off out the window. She couldn't stop thinking about the horrible rumors surrounding her. Just as she was wondering who could have started this, the answer practically smacked her in the face.

Who the hell else wanted to make Ree's life absolutely miserable?

She practically groaned, putting her head in her hands. Ree felt like an idiot for thinking the girl was suddenly leaving her alone, that Ree's reasonings had worked. How was she going to stop stupid Everley Simmons? She clearly had a vendetta against Ree, striving to make her life worse and worse at every given opportunity. Was her own life that shitty that she had to tear Ree down?

Ree jumped as the bell rang again, signaling the end of class. She hastily copied down the textbook pages assigned for homework before rushing out of the classroom. Ree knew she had to find Jackie, preferably before Jackie heard the heinous rumor. Though, Ree thought with a deep frown, she probably already had with how many people were whispering and staring at Ree. She made her way down to the Freshman hallway, ignoring her other classmates and their unrelenting stares as she searched for the short brunette.

Edge of Seventeen: Steven Hyde/OCWhere stories live. Discover now