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"Forman, another terrible article," Everley Simmons sneered, shoving the paper into Ree's hands. "Rewrite it."

    Ree bit the inside of her cheek, resisting the urge to snark back at the girl. Everley Simmons was the editor of the school newspaper, meaning that Ree needed to kiss some serious ass if she ever wanted her articles published. Ree nodded, smiling fakely at Everley, before heading back to her seat. In her head, Ree was punching snotty Everley Simmons in the face over and over and over and over and over and over . . .

    Blinking out of her beautiful daydream, Ree focused on rewriting her article. She had liked her original article, but, of course, Queen Everley wanted it changed. Letting out a huff, Ree tapped her pencil against the table, trying to think of how to rewrite this in a way Everley might possibly enjoy.

    She could be home right now, Ree was thinking to herself as she wrote, watching Petticoat Junction with the rest of the gang. But nooo, she needed to have hobbies and extracurriculars. Ree sighed to herself before refocusing on her writing.

    Everley rolled her eyes as she read Ree's rewritten article. Ree's shoulders slumped at the elder girl's reaction. "Still horrible," Everley sighed, tossing the paper back down on the desk. "You've got one more try, Forman, or I give the article to someone else," Everley snapped, glaring at Ree. "On my desk by Friday morning."

    Ree was biting the inside of her cheek so hard that it began to bleed, leaving a metallic taste on her tongue. She nodded to Everley before abruptly standing up and storming from the room. Letting out a huff, Ree began to walk home, shivering from the harsh winds of early March. Where the hell was Eric when she needed a ride? Didn't their dad say that he was supposed to be driving her? What a dillhole, Ree thought to herself as she trekked home.

    "It's still three naked ladies and a dog," Ree overheard Donna say as she entered through the basement door.

    "I want to be the Hooterville dog," grinned Fez.

    Ree slipped her coat off, hanging it by the door, before she stormed to the couch, flopping down right in between Kelso and Eric, the former of whom was having his hair combed through by Jackie.

    "What's got your panties in a twist?" Hyde asked, raising an eyebrow at the blonde girl.

    Ree rolled her eyes, "I really don't need your shit today, Hyde." She crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back in her seat, placing her legs out on the coffee table; though, Ree was so short that only her feet could reach. Laying back, she stared at the T.V, trying not to snap at the next person who talked to her.

    "What's your deal, Ree?" Eric asked.

    "Just my stupid editor," she said, frowning deeply. "She won't publish any of my work."

    "Have you ever considered the idea that your work sucks?" asked Hyde, bluntly.



    "Well, we could get back at your editor," said Eric, slyly, an evil looking smirk on his face.

    Ree quirked an eyebrow at her brother, "Meaning?"

    "Oh, you sayin' we should pay her a little visit?" Hyde asked with a wide grin, punching the air suggestively.

    "We're not going to beat up my editor, you psycho."

    "Oh, why not?" whined Kelso. "I'm always ready to kick some ass!" He exclaimed with a quick punching motion. Jackie slapped his shoulder and the boy instantly stilled.

    "More like get your ass kicked," said Ree, rolling her eyes.

    Kelso scoffed dramatically. "I can so fight!"

    "You could always ruin her reputation," Jackie suggested, as she tugged particularly roughly through Kelso's hair with her comb, causing him to jolt in his seat. "Make her wish she had never been born."

    "I'll keep that idea in mind, thanks, Jackie," replied Ree awkwardly, her eyebrows furrowed. Jackie was actually being genuinely helpful? Well, Jackie's version of genuine, anyway.

    "You could kick her ass and make her wish she had never been born."

    "No, Hyde!"

    "Ree," spoke Fez with a smile. "I will get rid of the stupid editor for you."

    Ree raised an eyebrow at Fez, "Do I want to know how?"

    "I will need a stick, a box of matches, a lipstick, and a bag of M&M's."

    All eyes in the room stared in bewilderment at Fez, whose smile slowly slipped off his face.

    "Who is the editor, anyway?" Donna asked after a beat of silence, looking up at Ree from her seat on the floor.

    "Everley Simmons," Ree spat the name from her mouth as if it were poison.

    Kelso began to laugh, "Oh man, she is so hot!"

    Ree sent Kelso a sharp glare, while Jackie slapped Kelso on the back of the head.


Footsteps began to echo down the stairs, growing louder and louder before Kitty emerged, holding a basket full of laundry. "Don't mind me," she called out, "I'm just putting some clothes in." She set her basket down and pulled out a blue button-up shirt and a floral, green dress. "Eric, Valerie, I thought you could wear these on your birthday." She held their clothing up in the air for all to see.

"Why would we want to dress nice for our birthday?" Eric asked.

"It's your birthday?" asked Kelso, turning his head to look at the twins. Jackie pressed her fingers into Kelso's cheek, snapping his head to face forward again so she could continue combing his hair.

"Oh, you never know what's going to happen on your birthday," Kitty said with a happy smirk on her face and a giggle.

Ree groaned, "Mom, please do not throw us a birthday party."

"Yeah, Mom, we're too old for birthday parties," Eric added, nodding his head vigorously.

"Oh, well, listen to Mr. and Ms. Popularity, like I have time to throw you a party!" Their mother exclaimed, laughing unconvincingly. She began to pour the laundry detergent into the machine before shutting the lid. "By the way, your sister Laurie is coming home from college for the weekend," she announced. There was a beat of silence. "No special reason, she just is," Kitty said, firmly, pressing her lips together in an attempt not to smile. She gave them all one last smile goodbye before heading back upstairs.

Ree groaned, placing her head in her hands. First Everley Simmons being a bitch, then her mother throwing them a surprise party, but now Laurie, too? Not even mentioning the fact that Hyde and Jackie Burkhart were always around, too. Would her torment ever end?

"Well, you guys are getting a party," said Donna with a smirk, "and, best of all, it's a surprise!"'

"I hate everything," mumbled Ree into her hands.

"I just realized Donna's older than you, man," Kelso chuckled to Eric, turning his head again. Jackie snapped it quickly back into place.

"Only by a month," said Donna.

Fez clapped Eric on the shoulder. "Good for you, Eric."

"Good for me, what?" chuckled Eric, furrowing his eyebrows at Fez.

"In my country," said Fez, "it is good luck to fall in love with an older woman."

"Fez," Eric hissed, motioning towards Donna who sat at his feet. "Fez."

"No, they come with livestock," grinned Fez, oblivious as always.

Ree chuckled at her brother and Donna's expense before turning her attention to the Petticoat Junction episode on the t.v.

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