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"That's the Come and Go Room, sir

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"That's the Come and Go Room, sir."

It was happening again. Recently, I've noticed a strange pattern with Harry that made my brows furrow with worry. He told me it was nothing and that there was no reason for me to be concerned. But something strange was going on, and I had a feeling I'd figure it out sooner rather than later... or when it's too late.

"Harry James-"

"Oh, how I love when you call me-"

"I'm being serious-"

"You're not Siri-"

"Harold." I scolded, making him let out a low sigh. His eyes stayed shut for a second and he used one hand to rub his pink eyelids under his glasses. "Have you not been sleeping? You look exhausted." I pestered. He gave me a weak shrug and blew it off.

"It's just stress, that's all-"

"No, that's not an excuse." I pulled him so his head laid across my lap and he faced the fireplace. "Try to take a nap. You can't keep going through the days with little to no sleep. It's making you more agitated and anxious than you already are." I lectured him. For once he didn't argue as his eyes fluttered shut and I pulled his glasses from his face. His arm lazily draped itself over my thighs to hold on to me.

"Thanks, love." He murmured, his lips soon parting and soft breaths whistling through them as I twirled pieces of his hair with my fingers. I traced the pads of my fingers over his features while I studied every perfect part of him.

His happiness had hardly returned since Umbridge's announcement against clubs around the castle. Even with my attempts, Harry was finding it harder and harder to remain positive for me. I knew the only thing keeping him going was fear of letting me down again— which made me feel guilty.

"I wish someone around here would coddle and baby me like that." Ron scoffed from an opposite chair. "If it's not you giving him all the love in the world, it's my own mum. When is it my turn?" He raised a brow.

"Stop Voldemort multiple times like you were born for it, and maybe we'll consider giving you our attention." Hermione challenged from the next seat over. I chuckled at their typical bickering behavior and traced Harry's scar with my index finger. "Until then, I suggest you work on pulling up that Divination grade of yours." Ron muttered a few insults under his breath and flipped his book open.

"I'm still not sure why Harry's so worried about teaching everyone defensive magic— it's not like anyone can snitch on us because Hermione jinxed the signup sheet." I frowned at the sleeping boy in my lap. Hermione had claimed that we would know if anyone told on us, and it would make Eloise Midgen's acne look like a few freckles... I'm not sure I wanted to know the extent of that statement. "So getting in trouble with Umbridge is pretty much out of the question-"

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