A new beginning

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The next morning, the entire family got together for breakfast.

"So, you'll be working for the Heartlake City police, eh, Ramiro?" Lorelei guessed.

"That's right, Lorelei," Ramiro confirmed. "I suppose Holly and Calvin are going back to college today?"

"Yes, we'll be there from 8:40 to 11:30, so we'll all meet at lunch," Calvin smiled.

"Sounds like a plan," Ramiro said.

"I'm really looking forward to seeing Pedro again," Holly gushed. "I missed him during the summer."

"Holly, Pedro finished college just last May," Calvin reminded her. "I remember him saying that he has a part-time job now."

Holly was downhearted that Pedro wouldn't be in college anymore, so she wouldn't get to see him. "Oh, yeah," she sighed.

That name sounded awfully familiar to Mirabela and Ramiro.

"¿Pedro?" Ramiro asked.

"Holly's old boyfriend from high school," Lorelei told him.

Mirabela was a little surprised to hear that. "Funny," she remarked. "I had a boyfriend named Pedro when I was in middle school. We'd been best friends since nursery school, and of all the boys I've met, he was the most decent one. I've never been able to find another man like him, and I never will."

"Aw, don't talk like that, Mira," Calvin told her. "You'll find a man like him—you never know—and he's sure to be better than River."

"Gracias, Cal," Mirabela smiled. She really hoped she'd find someone better than River.

"So, what are you going to do today, Miraboo?" Ramiro asked.

"I'll probably spend some time with Lorelei and maybe even look for a job," Mirabela replied.

"I can help you look for a job, honey," Lorelei offered.

"Gracias, Lorelei," Mirabela smiled.

After breakfast, Ramiro went off to work for the Heartlake City police.

Bailey drove Holly and Calvin to Heartlake Community College.

"Thanks for the ride, Bailey," Calvin said.

"My pleasure," Bailey smiled.

River was nearby, showing off his biceps, and many girls were swooning over how handsome he was. He was really enjoying all the attention, and there's nothing he enjoyed more than girls drooling on him. "Yes, that's right, ladies," he boasted. "I'm ridiculously handsome." He turned to see Holly and Calvin passing by. "Hey, Holly, Calvin."

"Hey, River," Holly waved.

"Hello, River," Calvin chimed in.

"Where's Mirabela?" River asked. "I was sure she'd come here with you because she's your sister."

"Stepsister," Holly corrected him. She was so jealous of Mirabela's beauty and success that she didn't want to see her as one.

"She's done with college, River," Calvin replied.

River was shocked and dismayed. "Already?" he gaped. "But she's still a teenager."

"Yes, and now she's going to look for a job," Holly said jealously.

"A job?" River blanched. He didn't think women should have jobs in other places—he was sure women should work as housewives.

Meanwhile, at Hogan-Flores Manor, Lorelei and Mirabela were going to spend the morning together as stepmother and stepdaughter.

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