The Date

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The rest of the week went by, and now it was Friday. Tonight, Mirabela and Pedro would have their date.

Mirabela and Pedro had just finished their work, and while Mirabela went home to get ready, Pedro stayed behind to get his nails done—and his manicurist/pedicurist happened to be Pablo. Right now, Pablo was going his brother's toenails.

"Are you excited for you date with Mirabela?" Pablo asked.

"Sí, hermano," Pedro smiled. "But at the same time, I'm really nervous because I really love her, and I'm even thinking about marrying her—but what if she doesn't feel that way? I mean, this is our first date in five years."

"Cálmate, hermanito," Pablo said. "Mirabela Flores is a catch, and you've known her for 16 years. I've always known she was the perfect girl for you."

"Gracias, Pablo," Pedro sighed.

"Oye, what are brothers for?" Pablo smiled.

Pablo took out a little brush and put a little soap on the bristles, and he used it to gently scrub Pedro's foot, catching him by surprise. Pedro tried to remain calm, but it tickled so much that he could barely contain his laughter.

"Ay, that tickles," giggled Pedro.

"Lo siento," Pablo chuckled.

Meanwhile, at River's house, he was giving Clyde and Horace instructions on what to do when spying on Mirabela and Pedro.

"I want you to write down every little thing happening between them—don't leave out any important information," River demanded. "If Mirabela shows any sign that she loves Pedro, I'm done for."

"You got it, River," Horace said.

"You got it—now let's go," Clyde said. He and Horace went on their way.

River told himself, "She has to avoid loving him. He's not even close to being handsome like me. A girl as pretty as Mirabela Flores should be with a man as handsome as me—she needs to understand that."

Later, Pedro drove to Hogan-Flores Manor, and when he got there, Bailey let him enter.

"Ah, Pedro Espinosa, you're looking rather sharp tonight," Bailey smiled.

"Gracias, Bailey," Pedro smiled back.

"Wow, Pedro, look at you," Ramiro gaped.

"Hey, bro, you look amazing," Calvin gaped.

"Looking great," Lorelei smiled.

"Gracias," Pedro blushed.

Holly was surprised at how Pedro was dressed. "Pedro Espinosa, you look absolutely stunning," she screeched. "I mean, if I had known you were coming, I would've gotten dressed up, too, you know!"

"Holly, do you want Mom to call you by the full name again?" Calvin warned.

Seeing the look on her mother's face, Holly nervously smiled. "You look great, by the way," she told Pedro.

"Gracias," Pedro said awkwardly.

"Ah, here she comes now," Bailey smiled.

Mirabela came down, wearing a jacaranda purple midriff top, darker purple pants, and black boots, and she was carrying a purple purse. She looked like a modern princess in pants and boots.

"Oh, look at you," Lorelei gushed.

"Whoa, Mira, where's the ball?" Calvin joked.

"Ay, nena, you look so much like your mother," Ramiro gushed. "She always found a way to let her inner beauty shine through" He gently tickled his daughter's tummy.

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