Lucky I'm in love

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The jar hit the ground and exploded on the infected and Hunter. They started talking each other with him right in the middle,
"Hunter!" I screamed. Nick held me back,
" just leave him," Francis said,
"No" I screamed as I broke free and ran towards Hunter.
" if you leave him, you leave me" I yelled, running into the crowd and fought my way to Hunter. As I force my way through, the infected kept biting at my hands, arms,and legs. I reach closer to the middle as I felt myself begin to fade in and out from all the bites. I stumbled into the middle and saw him,
"Hunter" I said with a smile, he looked at me before I hit the ground. The last thing I heard before I blacked out was a voice I've never heard before call my name.
I sat up quickly, my hair flying everywhere as my breathing was heavy. I looked around my surroundings, I was in a bed as sunlight seeped through the boards on the windows. I was an old style room, the memories came flooding back, my body ached then I remembered,
"Hunter!" I yelled. As on cue he bursted through the door, I scrambled out of the bed and tackled him. we fell to the ground and I sobbed into his chest, I looked up at him then down to myself. I was only in my shorts tank top and socks, I blushed madly as Hunter sat up with us and chuckled. He pulled his arms around me and hugged me, I felt my heart pound but then realized that it wasn't mine. I pulled back and looked at him, I put my hand on his chest. It was faint but I felt it, a heartbeat, I looked at him wide eyed and he smirked showing his razor teeth. I gripped his hood and pulled it down, his skin was still greenish but she looks more alive.
"Hunter... Are" I tried to find the right words,
"Alive," he finished.
"Yeah that" I said then looked at him as my mouth was a gape,
" you can," I began,
" talk now? yeah it's nice to be able to" he said.
" so are you alive?" I asked,
" well more live than I was, still the abilities but I can talk now" he said smiling. I smiled back,
" so where are we" I questioned
" Louisiana" he said, I looked at him
" just not in the part we need to be" he finished, my smile faded a little but I nodded.
" so what happened" I asked,
" well actually stop them from shooting you in the head, we traveled for a few days till we found this place and we've been here for a few days now. The guys are outside if you want see them" he said and I nodded. He helped me up and outside, only got outside the rows of plants all around.
" are we in a plantation" I asked,
" yeah and they're still good the other say" he said.
"Aly!!" Zoey yelled as she ran up and hugged me, " we've been so worried."
" how do you feel," Nick asked,
" I'm good, stiff and need a bath but I'm good, "I said,
" well then let's go take a bath then,"zoey said as she grabbed my arm and dragged me back towards the house.
" you guys finish getting the food," Zoey yelled at the guys, who often through one of the doors that led to the kitchen. As we passed through Zoey grabbed Rochelle, who was helping Francis with the cooking. As soon as we got into the room she shut and locked the door,
" wait till you see this bathroom Aly," Rochelle said. I looked at both of them with wide eyes,
" all three of us are going to take one," I asked,
"Yeah the hot water only lasts so long so it saves time," Zoey said unzipping her jacket, I nodded and began to peel away the remainder of my clothes shyly.
" hey after we're done bathing, we can use the water to wash our clothes," Zoey said as we nodded in agreement. I just finished filling my clothes away they saw how scared my skin was,
" do they hurt, the bites I mean" Rochelle asked,
" yeah but I've gotten used to it" I said. After the bath, we wash our clothes and set them aside to dry,
" Here Aly this looks like it might fit you" Rochelle said handing me a night gown, it was white with long sleeve and black lace around the wrist and neck lines.
" hey it's time to eat," coach yelled, I threw the gown on and it went to my knees, I threw my hair into a quick side braid. After a nice dinner of different vegetables, will settle down for the night. I sat outside of the room i was sleep in thinking of what we were talking about.
*flashback to the bathing*
I wash the soap out of my hair,
" so Aly how close are you and Hunter" Zoey asked, I just looked at her,
" what do you mean," I asked.
" well when we were traveling here, he would let you out of his sight. He was really worried you know," Rochelle said.
" yeah I thought we were going to have to pry him away from Nick when he almost shot you" Zoey said and I blushed.
' hunter did all that for me' I thought,
" so you two aren't like that," Zoey asked,
" well what about you and Ellis," I asked and she blushed, Rochelle started laughing,
" well what about you and Francis" zoey said as it all got quiet before we bursted out laughing.
*end flashback*
I began to think about Hunter, what were my feelings for him. Then I heard a thud and looked over at Hunter who was crouched on the ledge of the balcony.
" hey you disappered at dinner, where did you go?" I asked,
" just cuz I can talk now doesn't mean that I eat what you guys eat, so I found something and ate it" he said. I shrug and look back over the plantation, he jumped off the ledge and came standing by me.
" oh guess what we ran into while you were asleep," he said, I looked at him
" the charger, boy that thinks in Dallas flying" he laughed and giggled but that turned sour.
" are you can stay with me" I asked out of the blue,
"Huh" he asked, I looked at him,
"Whe-... If I found my family are you going to stay with me or go your own way" I asked, he was silent. I put my head down, silent tears roll down my face. He surprised me when he grabbed my hand and held it,
" I don't want you to leave me" i whispered, he squeezed my hand lightly,
" back at the lab the doctor told me to protect you," he said " but was my choice to stay with you Aly, when I saw you on the roof of the hospital I just wanted to affect you for some reason I was attracted to you" he said his cheeks red as a tomato.
" so you won't leave me" I asked sobbing now,
" yeah I won't leave you," he said squeezing my hand.
" hey hunter would you hold me" I asked,
" sure" he said. We lean against the balcony door my head on his chest his arms wrapped around me we left about the night sky.
" for the world to go to hell the sky never look so pretty" I said, sleep beginning to take over,
" the same goes for you" he said.
" I'm glad I met you Hunter" I said burying my face into his chest so he wouldn't see my blush,
"He he me too Aly" he said as he was petting my hair softly.
" I think I'm going to rest my eyes for a little while" I told him, I'm closing my eyes. Outside your job finally figured out my feelings for him, I smiled in my sleep.
'I'm lucky I'm in love with you' I thought before I fell asleep.

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