Chapter One

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Sophie' POV:
Word Count:556

Noise creeps all through the house.

A large ball was being held at Madoc's estate later this evening.

Maids hustle through halls, servants clean every nook and cranny, and Madoc preparing the best array of food and music.

Soon Oriana would be by to bring me the finest of jewellery and dresses to impress other courts visiting.

A knock clears the silence from my chamber.


"Sophie. I've brought the servants to assist you into your gown."

With a sigh, I roll out of my soft bed to let her into my room.

Folk come piling into my room with jewels, gowns, shoes, and the finest of accesories.

"Get reading in a timely manor." She says before leaving me to prepare.

Beautiful gowns are sprawled across the room of all colours and styles.

I glance across them while the folk stare and wait for a response.

A forest green dress, with gold embroidered of leaves and fruits, is laid in front of me.

Sleeves made from tool that just brush my shoulder. Madoc's crest is stamped on the chest. A dagger, and a crescent moon tilted on its side so it rests as a cup.

"I choose this one."

The folk nod and two of them clear the rest from the room.

My hair is pulled into two little horns with the rest hanging down my back.

A selection of green and gold jewellery is placed on my body.

The servants clear the room and leave me be.

I take a glance into my floor-length mirror.

Everything about this night must go to plan, or Madoc will have my head mounted on the wall within an hour.

Although Jude and Taryn aren't his children, he treats them as though they are.

Another knock on the door.

"Come in"

My twin sister walks into the room.

She selected a baby blue gown with red embroidered fruits and Madoc's crest.

"You look beautiful!" She says and sweeps me into her arms.

"As do you." I say with a smile.

Jude and Taryn must still be preparing for the festivities. Madoc makes sure they are always coated with charms before events like these.

Vivi sprawls herself across my unmade bed.

"I hate this." She says with a sigh.

I walk over and sit next to her.

"I hate it too."

Madoc always throws these parties to impress the courts.

A maid rushes to the door.

"Your father has requested your presence in the dining hall." She says with her head facing the floor.

"Looks like our guests are arriving." Vivi says laughing.

We rise from the bed and begin to make our way to Madoc.

As we walk through endless staircases and halls, we spot our sisters. They are dressed beautifully in similar style gowns.

Two knights stand guard in front of the large entrance to the dining hall and part ways when my sisters and I arrive.

Madoc is standing near the other end barking orders and sampling the finest of liquors.

"Ah, my beautiful daughters." He says shooing servants away.

Jude rolls her eyes and walks with space between her and her "father".

Musicians start hustling in and preparing their instruments.

"Our guests will be arriving in a moment, be on your best behaviour." He says glancing toward Jude.

And with that the room begins to fill with folk from across Elfhame.

As the room fills, Cardan and his goons walk in.

"Shit." I muder under my breath.

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