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part of being king steve was the ability to fall back upon countless people that adored and admired him. his childhood was lonely but his teen years weren't, not when he had all of hawkins high wrapped around his finger. everyone wanted a piece of him and he was so willing to dish it out; the fear of being alone once again forcing him into a persona he wasn't too sure about.
and he should have known things would change. he'd never be the one people wanted to keep around and that was made clear in his very public fall from grace. his argument with tommy hagan in the parking lot of a stupid convenience store was the talk of the town and now more than ever, he felt truly alone.
his relationship with nancy was crumbling from under his feet and more often than not did he sit in the harrington home wishing he could have the comfort of people surrounding him once more. and  while he knew that the people he hung around weren't any good for him, they provided a cure to the loneliness he felt whenever he unlocked the door to his home.
he wasn't king steve anymore. no parties were thrown to keep him from losing his mind. no longer could he rely on people who wanted to fuck him or be him to provide him with the sense of security that friendship's brought. losing his childhood best friend made him realize that he had no one. the great steve harrington would never live up to previous expectations and he was doomed to spend his life by himself.

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