Chapter 18

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Bria P.O.V.
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"I want all essays either on my desk, or emailed to me by 11:59 next week Wednesday or it's considered a missed assignment. We only have a few more weeks until finals, so we will be moving on to new study material during class tomorrow. This isn't the time to slack off. I expect to see every student passing my final with nothing lower than a B......y'all have a good day,"

I sighed to myself, as I closed my notebook, dropping it inside my bag, not in the mood for what I had to do next.

I packed up my things slowly, as everyone around me rushed to get out of Professor Daley's room.

"You ready Bri?" I looked over my shoulder to see Jade and Trinity all packed up, waiting on me.

"Uh yeah....... I need to actually talk to Professor Daley, so I'll catch y'all at lunch later,"

"Oh....actually," Jade started. "I'm helping Trinity with something during lunch, it's off campus, so we'll be skipping out on lunch today if that's cool,"

"Oh, yeah, I not invited or something? I'm down to help with whatever it is,"

"Oh no it's not like that, we just know that you have class like as soon as lunch is over, and we have like a extra twenty minutes to kill, so it just made more sense for us to go alone," She smiled a little bit, trying to be more believable, but I wasn't buying it.

".....Alright, well I'll catch y'all back at the dorm later then,"

"Okay, come on Trin, let's go, goodluck with your talk,"  They both gave me another awkward smile before waking away together, causing me to slightly chuckle since I was more than sure their secretiveness had everything to do with my birthday in a few weeks.

Once they were gone, I made my way down the stairs to his podium, as he began switching around the slides for his next class.

"......Professor Daley," I said awkwardly.

He glanced up at me, before looking back down at whatever he was doing. "How can I help you Ms.Richmond?"

I frowned slightly, somewhat put off by the formal names. "You can really just call me Bria,"

He stopped what he was doing, before fully giving me his attention. "Ms. can I help you?"

I slightly rolled my eyes, sighing. "I wanted to talk to you about the essay that's due Wednesday,"

"What about it?"

"Uh, well before I left, I don't remember anything about a essay, and I looked over the syllabus, there was nothing about a essay around this time or before I left, so I'm just kinda confused on how it all came about,"

"At some point during your absence I added on the essay as a additional assignment. Students have had about a week to start, and should be finished at the 10 day mark, and that was me being generous,"

"...Right," I said carefully. "Todays my first day back.....and it's due Wednesday, meaning I'll only have a few days to complete it, while everyone else had 10 days,"

He nodded. "That's because everyone else attended class as they were supposed too,"

I frowned. "But you knew in advance that I wouldn't be attending class for a few why not contact me about the essay through email?"

"It is not my job to email absentee students about assignments that may come up during class when they are not present. It's up to that student to prioritize their education and stay in contact with all of their professors regarding potential changes,"

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