6. Spending the day with Uncle BooBear

Start from the beginning

"Its dat one," Alex said, sounding bored.  He pointed at the lager of the four keys.  I stuck the key in the door and turned it, it unlock and I smiled at him.

"I KNEW DAT." Alex giggled and opened the door and hit unlock and put Alex in his car seat.  I got in the drivers seat and drove to the park.  The park was pretty empty for this time of day but then again it was early in the day and most kids were still in school.  Alex hadn't said anything the whole ride, and I was starting the think something was wrong. I looked in the rear view mirror to see blonde curls and wondering blue eyes.  I pulled the keys out of the ignition and hopped  out of the car and opened the back door, unbuckled Alex's seatbelt and he reached his arms out for me.  I smiled and grabbed him underneath his armpits and sat him on the ground outside the car.   I shut the door and looked down at him in his camo shirt and cargo pants. 

"Can we go swing?" He looked up too me and pointed at a little playground. 

I smiled and shouted "OF COURSE WE CAN SMALL CHILD!"  He smiled and ran off towards the playground with me on his heels.

*Sometime later*

"No Alex, go play with the other kids, BooBear is to tired."  I told him as I walked over to a picnic table.  He gave up and ran over to the two other kids he had been playing with. This kid is like the energiser bunny. First it was the swings, then the sand box, then the slide and now he wanted to play hind 'n seek, but I was going to pass out if I didn't take a break.  But lucky for me there were some kids his age he could play with and give me a little break. I don't know how Alilla did this, it was exhausting. I wonder how it is going with Liam. I wanted to text Harry and find out but I brushed it off not wanting to be annoying. I flopped down on a bench of one of the small wooden picnic tables and let out a deep breath.  The sunny day was quickly becoming a rainy mess.  I opened my eyes and looked out to the west, looked at the large storm coulds rolling in.  ICE CREAM!!

"Your son is very cute," I snapped up to see a woman with long redish brown hair, brown eyes and a loving smile.  I gave her a questioning look and tilted my head sorta to the side. Son?  The woman turned her head to the playground and pointed at Alex, who was hiding under one of the green twisty slides along with a little girl with red pig tails.  "Isn't that little boy your son?" She questioned.

Oh lord she probly thinks I'm a kidnapper! Quick, Louis think!  "I'm his uncle!"  I yelled way to defensively.  Her eyes grew wide and she took a step back.  "I mean I'm his adopted uncle, watching him for a while,"  I said calmer than before, she smiled and nodded her head. She spoke into a laugh, "Well you could have fooled me," She smiled again and walked back to another picnic table where a few other women were sitting, joining in conversion.  Was I really that good with him, or did I just look the part of "Daddy"?   I pulled myself back into reality.  I felt a rain drop hit my bare arm. 

Time to go! "Alex!" I called, walking on to the play ground looking for his blue eyes.  Swish! I quickly turned turn to the slide that was closest on my right, I put my arms out just in time to catch him off the static charged slide.  He giggled and I started to walk back to the car with a smile across my face. I lifted his small body over my hard and yelled, "SUPERMAN!"  He laughed and started laughing again.  We made it to the car and I unlocked it and buckled Alex into his stop, then took the drivers seat.  I pulled out of the parking lot looking both ways before crossing, like a good boy.

"Radio!"  Alex yelled, pointing at the radio.  I turned on the radio to my favorite station 9.45 WRTC, it was What Makes You Beautiful. 

"OOOHHH YEAH! C'mon Alex, sing with me! YOU DON'T KNOW YOU BEAUTIFUL!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, Raising The Roof with one hand as I drive with rain starting to pour down on my windshield.  He tried the sing the words but failed.  My phone rang in my back pocket, I pulled it out and check the screen, Nialler.  I turned down the radio and hit accept.

"Hey Nialler!"  I smiled, looking at Alex in my rear view mirror he was kicking he feet agenst the seat.

"Hey Lou, do you know where Harry and Liam are? Nither one of them are picking up."  He said with his Irish accent. 

"There at Harry's with A-" I cut myself off, how could I tell him they were with Alilla? Crud, I sucked at keeping things to myself. 

"With who Lou?"-He laughed-"That rhymed!"  He yelled, giving into the laughter again.  Alex started kicking the back of my seat, making me swerve.  "Alex! Stop that!"  I yelled, moving the phone from my mouth, looking at Alex once again in the rear view mirror. 

"Alex? Who's Alex?! Lou whats going on?"  Niall shouted.

Alex kept kicking my seat, this time harder with a smile across his face. He thought I was joking. I pulled the phone back to my lip and said, "Hold on a second Ni." I pulled up to the stop-light. and turned around in my seat and grabbed Alex foot and tickled softly.  "Thats for kicking my seat!"  I looked over Alexs head to see the Simi which wasn't slowing, the driver was bringing the Simi to the screeching stop. But it was too late, the Simi crashed with the tiny sports car, sending us into the busy intersection with two cars only a few feet away. I looked into Alex's scared eyes then, CRASH.

Everything went black.

*edited by @nerdydirectionerz*

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