Chapter One

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Anna Byeol, a 25-year-old CEO, was standing in her office holding a large coffee mug in one hand and reviewing the paperwork on Yuta Nakamoto, the newly hired editor-in-chief, with the other. Today is his first day, and he'll be arriving in a few minutes so she's double-checking everything. 10 minutes go by and she finishes looking through everything and takes out her phone from her suit pocket. It reads 9:05. He should've gotten here already. Late on the first day, how nice, she thought.

10 more minutes go by and Yuta finally comes and knocks on the door. She gestures for him to come in so he does. "I'm really sorry I'm late!" he walks in hastily. 

"Oh no, you're fine. Take a seat," she smiles and sets her now empty coffee mug down on the clear and spotless crystal desk. 

"I assume the boss isn't here yet either?" he asks, taking a seat on one of the chairs across from the big white lather one meant for the CEO. 

"Excuse me?" She farrows her brows and tilts her head slightly to the side, lips still curled up in a smile. 

"The boss, old guy, big mustache, gray suit, bow tie, looks very important, acts like he owns the city," he says in a surprisingly nonchalant way. 

Ballzy for a new hire. Anna's expression turns into one of amusement, "Um no... he's not in yet. He usually doesn't come into the office anymore unless something severe happens that requires his attention..... which is pretty rare."

"Oh. Well, I'm supposed to have a meeting with the COO at 9:00 am. I know I'm late but yeah, where's he?"

"Actually you had an appointment with the CEO at 9:00 am, a meeting you are 15 minutes late to. Mr. Jason Byeol, the man you are referring to is the president of the board, and he doesn't meet with new hires-or any employee for that matter. Your meeting is with me, his daughter, Anna Byeol, the CEO. Also, the COO is my older brother James Byeol, he's the one you'll be dealing with on a more regular basis. It's interesting how little research you did on our company before applying. I don't normally do this either, but your resume intrigued me." 

"Oooh..." Yuta lets out a nervous laugh. "My bad!" he says mentally cursing himself. 

"It's quite alright, you'd be surprised at how often that happens. Shall we get started?"

"Of course. And I really am sorry." Yuta smiles then mutters sarcastically under his breath as she sits in her own chair, "Nepotism. Just perfect."

Anna hears it but doesn't comment. "I saw in your file that you worked at and then left Future Fashion Industries - which, as you know, is our rival company. Your mother's company, correct?"

Yuta looks away for a second and signs. "Yes"

"Can I ask why?"

"Why did I leave the company? You can ask but I'm not gonna answer"

"Mhm. See Mr. Nakamoto-"

"It's just Yuta"

"Mr. Nakamoto. You leaving a company, let alone your parent's company, after working there for 7 years, says something about your loyalty, and I don't like it."

"Excuse me?" He raises his brows and widens his eyes. 

"And being late for a previously scheduled appointment, that on your first day, says something about your time management as well."

"Ok listen, honey," he leans in and puts his hands on the desk. "I don't know what you're getting at here, but I'm already hired, you can't do anything now."

"First, I'm your senior in the workplace, so you will address me either as Ma'am or Ms. Byeol. Second, these are valid concerns. I can fire you just as I hired you. And third, accusing me of taking advantage of a privilege that you were also given, is called hypocrisy, even if you ran away from it. Understand? Besides you won't be working here for long anyway so we just have to deal with you for as long as you stay. Future Fashion was your mother's company so you got away with your bitchy attitude there. That won't work here. You will work diligently and respect your colleagues whether they are seniors or juniors. And especially all female workers in this company. Again. Understand? Oh, and this, of course, goes without saying, but if I ever catch you trying to play on both teams and helping your mother, sharing classified information- not like you'd even be told about any of those, but just in case if I catch you, I will have you jailed." she stares at him with a stern gaze. 

𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒅 - A NCT Yuta Fanfic Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant