Chapter 12: Nick Porter

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Brett and Cruz were both struggling with rent bills. Cruz paid slightly more than Brett in rent because of the second bedroom Tatia uses. Which used to be an expense paid by Otis. And they're both paying extra cause they no longer had that third adult roommate. So when Mouch told them Nick Porter needed a new place they agreed to let him move in. Tatiana did not get input on that decision. Which she is upset about cause it's clear this isn't gonna work out. She glances over at the man who was unpacking and talking about his ex-wife.

"Yeah, and then out of the blue, right in the middle of dinner, she says to me, Nick, we're through." He says picking up a little glass decoration.

"Oof, ouch."Joe says looking down at Tatiana who was laying between him and Sylvie playing on her switch. She was leaning her back on him with her legs curled up against Brett.

"Nothing's ever been good enough for Ellen, and each year it gets worse. Trust me, guys, never get married. Stay free." Nick says and Cruz looks at Brett nervously.

"Uh, well, marriage isn't for everyone maybe, but Joe here is engaged to a great girl." Sylvie smiles patting Joe on the shoulder.

"Yeah, Chloe is great! I get to be the flower girl. And we were looking at dresses we're gonna be so pretty." Tatia says before going back to her game

"Oh, well, heck, don't listen to me. Look, I just, uh, I picked the wrong apple. If you know what I mean. I thought I got a nice, crisp one, and instead I got... pure poison." Nick Porter says going back to the box and ignoring a horrified Joe.

"Well, Chloe is like a Fiji, or a Granny Smith, right, Joe?" Brett tries to fix it again failing miserably. "Look, third period's starting." She changes the subject taking her hand off his shoulder.

"Ah, forget hockey. We got something much better. Classic Nascar races." Nick says holding up a CD.

"Classic as in they've already happened?" Brett asks already regretting their decision to let him move in.

"Hell, yeah. First up... is the 1992 Hooters 500. It's an all-timer." Porter pops it into the cd playing standing up. "Trust me. You'll love this."

"What's so great about cars on a track? At least  hockey has people beating each other up." Tatia says looking up from her game.

"No, gang. Okay? No offense but... I'm kinda used to being the team leader. It'll be a great dynamic for the apartment." He says as Tatia sits up. He then places himself between Tatiana and Brett.

"I'm the leader of this apartment," Tatia mumbles glaring at him as she scoots as close to Joe as possible. Joe wraps his arm around her looking at Nick concerned.

–––The Next Morning–––

Tatiana walks into the living room behind Brett. Brett halts after noticing Nick Porter on the couch with no pants on only boxers. He was drinking alcohol and looking through a photo album.

"Tots how about you go get dressed then I'll get you the cereal. " Brett says shooing the young girl away.

"Okay, I'll wake up Uncle Cruz too." She says going to the door that leads to Joe's bedroom and knocks. He shouts to let her know she can come in. "Uncle Joe." She says shutting the door.

"Good morning to you too," Joe says as he looks through his drawers for a shirt.

"Mr. Porter's on the couch drinking and isn't wearing pants." She says in a hushed tone. His head snaps to her.

"Is he wearing anything?" He asks very concernedly.

"Yeah underwear and shirt." She says.

"Okay, I'll talk to him. Go get ready for school." He says beginning to pull his shirt on as they walk to the door. She opens it and darts down the hall while how looks at them confused.

"Joe! Come and look at photos of Ellen in a sarong," Brett says tight-lipped.

"Uh, yeah, oh, I would totally, I just, um, I gotta..." Cruz tries to find an excuse as he finishes putting his shirt on and walking toward the coffee maker.

"This is the wedding reception at the Palmer house. I don't remember much. Think I was still recovering from the bachelor party. If you know what I mean." Nick says taking a sip of his whiskey before continuing. "Her wedding dress was awful, wasn't it? Look. That high neck? She looks like an Amish."

"I miss her." He says softly, "But that could just be the whiskey talking." He breaks from his haze.

"Oh, that's kind of sweet." Brett says awkwardly as Tatiana walks back in now dressed.

"Hey. Come on. Sit down, you three There's more to see."

"Yeah... uh... unfortunately, we can't be late for work or school. But we'll see you later." Cruz says as pushes Tatiana toward the kitchen.

"Well, Tatiana after school I'll show them to you."

"Uh, I'm going to the firehouse tonight." She says taking the cereal box that Cruz grabbed for her.

"Oh okay, I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Eat quickly," Cruz whispers to her. 

So she does and they make it out to his car. She climbs into the back while Brett and Joe get in the front seats.

"Next time I want a say in our roommate," Tatiana says glaring at them. "And if I can't go to the firehouse I ain't staying with him."

"Well, that's obvious I can't leave you with a guy who drinks at 7 am. " Joe tells her. "Me and Brett will figure something out as far as our roommate situation goes. "

"I better get a vote. You two clearly don't have good taste."

"This was Mouch's idea," Brett says.

"I'll tell him too." Tatia crosses her arms.

"You do that then kiddo." Joe looks at Brett shaking his head.

"I will!"

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