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(Y/N)'s POV

Well this sure is... Interesting...
How can this man be this attractive for fucks sake???? His hair is so shiny and omg I just realised how long it is I could bury my hands into it and it would be so smooth and I would ask him for the products he uses and- Holy mother of anything fictional his eyes are gorge-

"Are you traveling alone boy? You
know it's dangerous out here, expecially at night, right?"

I take everything I just said back. I'll never think anything nice about you ever again.

"I'm a girl you brainless bafoon."

His face changed into one of pure awkwardness and confusion as he squinted his eyes a bit. He started at me with that stupidly adorable expression in puzzlment.

"....bafoon? Also um, I apologise for my mistake, its pretty dark here. "

Okay, nevermind that was adorable. everyone makes mistakes. Now that I think about it, it's better if I act like I don't know anything.

"mhm....Anyways...What's with the weird clothes and that katana?"

Startled giyuu put his hand on the hilt of his sword. Did he really not expect me to ask that?

"Well, it's to defend myself. It's not surprising that I have it, what's more baffling is the fact that you're unarmed and alone."

"Oh yeah about that. I was robbed earlier so my weapon was taken away and my companion ran away in fear."

He raised his eyebrow and looked at my up and down, if I didn't know any better I'd think that he's either checking me out or judging me.

"you didn't have anything to hold your weapon in? And how did your companion look? I didn't hear footsteps other then yours."

" Well they took the belt that I had it attached to too. Kaito has black hair and brown eyes, but I don't know why that matters. Also what kind of super hearing do you have that you're so confident in not missing a sound? "

Scoffing he softened his gaze a bit, seeming to believe me. I'm just glad he didn't ask about-

" Did you hear any weird noises by any chance? "

Great, I jinxed it.

" yeah about fifteen minutes ago I started hearing a voice of a woman who was asking for help. The strange thing is the guys that robbed me went straight into that direction and right after that kaito left too. I also heard a screech. It sounded like someone was being skinned alive. "

"I see...well you see that screech was-"

"It was you? It's okay I don't judge but like DAMN you have some crazy vocal cords."

"Well, no... That was a demon. It probably lured your companion and those bandits in its trap."

"...Huh. A demon you say? My mother in law sounds like that sometimes but I don't call her a literal spawn from hell."

"You're not taking this seriously."

"Cause it sounds ridiculous. The only reason I shouldn't be walking around alone at nights is because of perverts not demonic creatures."

"just...Let me show you the proof."

"Aaaalright my guy lead the way."

He turned away and started heading towards the direction of the now deceased creature. It didn't even take long for me to smell the horrendous smell of what is this...decomping flesh probably... Makes sense.

Noticing that giyuu stopped a bit of a distance away from me I started walking to him. The horrible smell getting stronger and more rotten by the second I covered my nose from pure disgust and anguish. Since he was sent to eliminate the demon that means there where a lot of people who died because of it.

Still that knowledge didn't prepare me for the sight before me.
Dozens of bodies, some covered in snow and others fully exposed. Their flesh surely rotting, but slowly, due to the cold season. Most of them where only heads with a bit of a torso, tho others only seemed to have some of their limbs missing, with multiple holes in their abdomen where the organs are located.

That sick bastard of a demon didn't even finish eating one victim before it moved on to another one. Truly a disgusting soul.

Seeing my (kind of terrified) expression Giyuu moved closer to me and covered the gruesome sight with his body. He pat my head and mumbled something I didn't really hear, but I could the guilt and some traces of anger on his pale face.

"This is what demons are capable of, do you believe me now?"

Ignoring his words I start walking to one of the many bodies. It looked fresh, he probably died earlier today but the snow surely did it's job in keeping it from any kind of rotting. The boy looked to be about 19 with short raven hair and dark brown eyes. Well a brown eye. The teen was missing his left arm and he had a hole in the place of his kidney. Even tho I was lucky enough to never meet that demon the look on the boys face was enough proof of how terrifying the creature was.

"Kaito??? Oh no....No no no no no!!! How... How did I let this happen to you??!"

Kneeling down in front of the body I let my hands tremble and hower close to it, but I never touched it.

I'm glad I chose a fairly common look for the boy in my story. If the demon killed so many travelers that a hashira was sent one was bound to have black hair and brown eyes. But I got lucky with the freshness of the corpse...

Hearing footsteps behind me I let a few tears drop down my face. Not a moment later a hand was rested on my shoulder, rubbing it reassuringly.

"I'm sorry for your loss..."

Looking at giyuus face I could tell by  how awkwardly he stared at me that he didn't really know how to Comfort people, but a trace of pity on his face told me that he was genuinely sorry.

Wiping my tears with the sleeve of my haori I avoid his gaze, focusing on the dead boy in front of me. It's really messed up that I'm using this to my advantage, but then again, I can't let giyuu know about the fact that I killed that demon.

"it's fine....he was my fiancé but I didn't know him much... It was arranged after all. Even if I wasn't very close to him I'm just.... Angry he had to die for some demons bloodlust."

"I see. Well as much as I understand that this is a lot of information for you to process, we have to get going. I'll send my crow to the corps so they can  bury the bodies."

"Corps? Is it some sort of a... Cult?"

"What? No, it's a place where swordsman get orders to eliminate demons."

"Kinda sounds like a cult, but okay."

Sighing deeply giyuu stood up and looked down at me with an unreadable expression.

"You should come with me. I guide you to where you're going. It's safer for you if we stay together."

                 Taishiro era secrets                  

° (Y/N) was annoyed at giyuu for mistaking her for a boy because that's not the first time this happened. Tho she might take advantage of that later in the story...

° Giyuu was disappointed to find out that you had a mother in law, but finding out about kaitos unfortunate demise eased that disappointment.

° Giyuu feels a bit guilty about mistaking (Y/N) for a boy, since in his opinion her features are quite pretty.

((damn this update took a bit. I'm sorry about that guys. Should I include giyuus POV in the next chapter? 👀

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