Chapter 12: Karma's Favorite Target

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Only nine hours of the worst day of my life have passed.

"That's the universe coming back at you for stealing one of my granola bars," Lain says gleefully, sprawled across the bed that is mine, all relaxed and carefree.

The position I more than wish to be in right now.
It seems though as if the world has other plans for me.

"You mean it wasn't enough that you removed all, all, of my annotations in my books, which I then had to reannotate?", I fire back, frantically pinning my scarf before throwing on the dark red blazer and bag over my shoulder. I don't even bother checking the contents one last time – it's pointless at this point.

I have missed the entire ceremony.

"Karma knows no limits, dear sister. I take care of my business first, then the universe does it for me again. Double pay-back, you know?"

Lain tosses a tiny ball up into the air, catching it, and repeats the movement and the motion stresses me out even more for no good given reason.
Right now, the littlest things get to me.
If I could and had the time, I'd grab the damn ball and throw it out the window.

"Yeah, Lain, we know. We all know you and your... questionable life strategies," Neirin states. She sits on the cozy bean bag, flipping through a wedding magazine at a pace that has me wondering how anyone could ever look at a page for longer than five seconds.

They are dresses not a crime scene.

"Don't call them life strategies, that sounds way too serious. Call them laws of the universe," the devil's twin on the bed argues, pushing himself up so his back leans against the wall of the bed.

Neirin raises her head that's been buried between the pages for the last half hour to throw a dubious look in Lain's way.

"And laws of the universe isn't serious?"

My on-the-verge-of-tearing-own-hair-out self can't believe they're having this unbelievably stupid conversation when I am obviously and clearly in need of help.
Who said siblings are good to have?
They're good for nothing.

That person is nuts.

I am close to going nuts myself too as I try to tie my shoelaces, my fury apparent in how tight I pull them. A hiss escapes me when I start to feel stinging pain in my foot after attempting to stand up.
It's my hurt foot after all, the one I twisted.

It's gotten a bit better, a bandage helping the recovery process but walking sometimes still shoots pain through my muscles and strain on it is avoided as much as possible.

I loosen the laces to allow blood-flow again, put on the next shoe and am out the room the next second.
Usually, I would throw Lain and Neirin out of my room, hating others being in my space but today I just bang the door shut, grateful for the silence I get.

I have only reached the fifth step when the door flies back open and the silence is killed. Lain and Neirin stagger out, following me down the stairs.

"You do know that the laws of the universe is just a lie?"

"Who sold you that crap, Neirin? It's not a lie. Only people who have never experienced it say it's a lie. But if you learn to use them, they're ten out of ten. Make the universe revolve around you as a person. You're the most important thing in your life. Think higher of yourself, Nei. Your self-esteem is suffering." He pats her back on the way down, tilting his head to the side in consolation.

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