Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


   I reach blindly for my phone on the nightstand, to shut off the 6am alarm. Paige's body tangled with mine. Her blonde hair fanned out across the pillow, lips slightly parted, shallow breaths. She's a beautiful sight.
  We were up half the night, watching chic flicks on Netflix of all things. We had fun, eating popcorn with root beer floats, that I had ordered from room service. It was a nice change lounging in bed, with movies, snacks, and laughs. Watching stupid romcoms, just being with her. I hadn't done anything like that.. well, last time I was with her.
  Untangling myself gently from Paige, I head to the door. I had ordered for room service to bring up breakfast, juice, and coffee at 6:30am.
  After everything has been delivered, I wake Paige with her meds, juice and a muffin. Letting her rest a few more hours. I make a few phone calls to get things set up after Vegas is over. We only have a few days left here. I was actually scheduled to have been gone by now, but extended my stay longer to be with Paige. I have a place in Malibu, but Paige needs to be in Venice beach. Where she goes, I go.
   Ringing up my realtor Jerry to see if he can find me some listings.

"Ryan, my man" Jerry answers

"What's up J? I need some listings for Venice Beach. Think you got anything for me?"

"Well I can certainly take a look. Email me with your specifications, and I'll get back to you asap"

"Thanks man, I appreciate it"

Just as I'm hanging up with Jerry, my agent rings.


"Is that anyway, to answer? You Grumpy fuck"

"This is our down time, so if you're calling. I'm sure I won't be happy about the reason"

"Since you and Van are already in Vegas. I've called Mack and Mitch for a 1pm meeting tomorrow"

"What's this about?"

"You'll know soon enough. I'll see tomorrow"

He ends the call. Fucking asshole! I let out a frustrated growl. Brads an asshole but he's a good agent. He's done right by us, so far.

"That was the sexiest thing I've ever heard"

I turn to see Paige walking towards me, in only my shirt and messy as sin hair. Sexy as fuck.
  "Yeah. Well, the sight of you first thing in the morning is even sexier" I say as I pull her into my lap and shove my face in her hair.
  She giggles and squirms in my lap. It's the cutest thing hearing her giggle like that "If you keep moving like that, you're going to wake something else up, sweet girl" she scratches the scruff of my jaw and brushes her lips against mine "I love you, so much"
"I love you. What do you think about a pool day? I've got a private cabana reserved, a couples massage poolside and relaxing the rest of the day. How does that sound?"
  "I like the sound of that"
I slide my hand up her inner thigh "I think I wanna hear something else first"
She laughs "what's that?"
"The sound of you moaning my name" I say as I trail kisses down her jaw, to her neck and along her collarbone "How wet is this pussy for me?" She moans when I slide her panties to the side and run my fingers through her wet folds "Jesus, baby. You're soaked"
  I lay her down and slide down her body, to settle my face between her legs. I lift her leg over my shoulder and tease her clit. She moans as her hands grab my hair to pull while rubbing her pussy in my face. Just as I place my hands on her lower belly to hold her still. Someone knocks on the damn door. "Fuck! Sorry baby, let me get that" She still has two handfuls of my hair in her hands. Gripping more tightly "If you get up before making me come, I swear you won't get any the rest of the time  we're here!"
  "We'll then, who am I to deny the queen her orgasm" I say on a muffled laugh. My face still buried in her pussy.
  The knocking on the door becoming more louder and persistent.
  I suck and tease her clit, pinch it between my teeth, while I insert two fingers inside her. I can feel her pussy clamp down on my fingers. "Come for me, baby"
  "Oh.. god" she screams "that's it, my love. Fuck my face" she screams my name, bucking her hips against me face. I suck her clit hard and lick and tease some more, while she rides out the last tremors of her orgasm.
  Finally her body goes slack. I lift my head after kissing the top of her mound and each of her inner thighs. "I better get the door" I laugh as I get up.

When I open the door, Van is leaning up against the opposite wall grinning "you're such a fucking cockblock, this better be good." I say as I turn on my feet walking back in. He follows behind. "You're off your game my friend. Took long enough to make her scream didn't it?" He says chuckling
"Fuck you. We were just getting started. The fuck are you doing up so early anyway?"
"Brad woke me up. Something about a meeting tomorrow afternoon. You know what this shits all about?"
  "Not a clue, I got the same call"
"If he's trying to push another album sooner, I'm not up for it, man. I need this break"
"As do I"
"So.. what's up with you and Blondie? We haven't talked much about it. She's the one, right? The one from here." He places two fingers over his heart. Where her name lies on my chest.
I nod "yeah, man."
"She back for good?"
I sigh as I sit down "she wasn't the one that left. I did."
"Damn, man"
"I'm going with her to Venice beach once we leave here. I got Jerry looking to see what's available. I plan on settling down with her there, permanently"
He lifts a brow "No shit. That's awesome man. I'm happy for you"
He goes In for a Bro hug. We clap each other on the backs.
"She gonna be good with your career, the traveling, promos, and all the other shit? Not to mention the media"
"She's a well known author" I chuckle "She's no stranger to it"
He looks behind me and nods with a grin "Hey blondie"
Paige stands there freshly showered and dressed in her swim wear. She's got a black lacy cover up on, over what looks like a hot pink bikini.
"Hey Van" she says as she kisses him on the cheek and heads over to me, sitting her self on my lap. I wrap my arms around her tight, shoving my face in her hair.
"Hey baby. You smell good" I say kissing her neck
She does that little giggle, wrapping her arms around my neck "You taking me to the pool or what King?"
I brush my lips against hers "yeah baby, why don't you call Jess and see if she'd like to join us. I just gotta jump in the shower and dress real quick."
I swat her ass as she climbs out of my lap
"Hey!" She laughs
"You wanna hit up Voodoo with us, Bro?" I ask Van "I got a private cabana reserved"
"Yeah, I think I will. I'm down to chill"
"Meet us downstairs in an hour. I got car service for today. So we can have drinks."
"Alright, see ya down there" he fists bumps me on the way out

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