Scavenger hunt (final part)

Start from the beginning

Anne: "Hmm. Okay. Easy." 'Come on, fake it!' "So,a triangle has three sides, right? Three rhymes with, uh, tea. You brew tea with water, and there's water in, uh... The sewer! Let's go down there."

Everyone climbs down the ladder and starts to walk down the path.

Sprig: "Whoa. This sewer is shockingly clean."

Marcy: "There's actually a reason for that. I-"

Anne and sprig: "Rehauled the sewer system?"

Marcy: "How'd you know that?"

Anne: "Hey. Check that out."

Anne points to a valve.

Anne: "That looks just like the circle in the clue. Kind of. We obviously have to turn it."

Anne proceeds to turn the valve which opens a sealed door in the wall and let's water out and a
Alligator comes out and starts to eat trash but notices you, Anne, Sprig, and Marcy. You pull out your short sword and dagger to get ready for it to attack you.

Marcy: "Speak of the devil. Here comes one of my improvements! Would you guys believe that in addition to eating live meat these babies love eating trash?"

Y/n: "Great so it's going to enjoy eating me even more."

Anne grabs Marcy and Sprig and starts to run just as it was about to bite them.

Anne: "Go, go, go!"

Sprig: "Let's move!"

You stay behind and keep it destructed so they can escape. The alligator attempts to bite you but you dodge out of the way and slash at it but your weapons don't do a thing to it's thick scales.

Y/n: "...Shit."

You start to run after Anne and catch up with her. Anne is on the ladder trying to open the manhole cover but is unable to. The alligator was trying to grab you but you kept dodging, you climbed up the latter to help Anne lift the manhole cover but it was to heavy.

Anne: "Holy crud, that's heavy!"

Gertie: "Gnatchos! Get your Gnatchos!"

Y/n: "Is that-"

Anne: "Gertie? Is that you? It me, Anne. I need help!"

Gertie: "Anne? Don't worry, kiddo. I got you!"

With Gertie's help you and Anne were able to lift the manhole cover.

Gertie: "Got it! Here, grab my arm!"

Y/n: "Come on, Marcy!"

The alligator grabs Marcy's cape and try's to pull her down but you and Anne both grab her and struggle to hold her up. Marcy releases her cape and you and Anne pull her up.

Gertie: "Anne, you hang in there, you hear? Anne!"

Dorris: "Did you say 'Anne'? The tall gangly creature?"

Axolotl child: "She saved my Goblin. We gotta help her."

POV: No one's

Polly: "Ok, they said they'd be at the bridge. Do you see them?"

Gertie: "Hang in there, Anne!"

Dorris: "We'll save you, Anne!"

Polly: "Typical."

POV: Y/n's

The alligator was getting ready to jump and attack you and you couldn't get out.

Amphibia Marcy Wu X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now