28: gold medal for you ♡

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As the days passed, four months went by without Sunghoon and Miwon meeting in face to face due to being with their own busy. Sunghoon was busy with his skating tournament, and Miwon was occupied with her big company project. Despite his strong desire to see her, Sunghoon understood her situation.

During that time, he focused on his practice and would occasionally call and text Miwon through the phone only. However, she would reply to his messages late and had limited time to talk on the phone. He really hoped that Miwon would come to watch him during his tournament so that he could feel more confident.

Once again today, he called her, and it seemed like she picked up the call late once more. "Miwon, I hope you can come to my tournament tonight," Sunghoon said as he really wants to Miwon be there. "I can't, you know I'm busy too," she replied.

"Just tonight, tonight is my tournament day. After that, I'll give you all the time you want," he pleaded. "I'm sorry, Sunghoon. I'll just hope you win tonight," Miwon ended the call quickly as she might burst into crying hearing Sunghoon begging for him to meet her.

Miwon's POV:

Almost every day he would call me. I'm so sorry, my love that I had to lying. Today he called me again. How happy I was that he always remembered of me, the way he always excitedly telling everything happened today to me, that's such a wholesome moments of you.

I wanted to pick up his call immediately, but I knew I shouldn't to make him like me even more. "Miwon, I hope you can come to my tournament tonight," he said. That voice, how much I missed seeing him. Of course, I wanted to meet him so badly, I wanna feel the warm hug he always giving me.

I held back my tears as I speak to him while trying to control the tone of my voice. I ended the call as soon as possible. I didn't want him to find out my pain. "It's him again?" Jay asked. Jay was the only one who knew about my condition. He was in tears when he found out.

But I had told him not to tell anyone including Sunghoon, and Jay would accompany me everywhere because he worried about anything happening to me. "Yeah, it's his tournament tonight," I said while tears flowing down my cheeks.

"You should go watch him. I like you, but he deserves to feel loved by you," Jay replied, he feels bad to Sunghoon who doesn't know anything about his girlfriend. "I don't want him to find out about my condition. It will end up ruining his career." I declined.

Jay stood up in front of me and offered his hand. "Let's go watch him. I know you miss him." I shook my head, still stubborn about it. Jay sighed and then took off his cap, handing me his sunglasses and cap. "Here, so that he won't recognize you."

"This is your last chance, Miwon. I don't want you to regret it later." I thought about it deeper, and yes, I should really go watch him for last time, even if it's just for a little while.


As soon as they arrived, there were many people gathered to watch him and the other contestants of ice skating. Miwon wore the cap and sunglasses that Jay had given her before and getting out of the car.

She found a seat far from the view to avoid being spotted by Sunghoon. When it was time for his performance, everyone applauded him. He performed like a pro and never disappointed her with his skills.

The other contestants also performed, but Miwon continued to wait anxiously for the winner to be announced. "Welcome to the Ice Skate Tournament for 2023!" the announcer's voice filled the arena. Everyone screamed with excitement, and some supporters raised their banners.

"Who do you guys think will get the gold medal?" the announcer asked, signaling for the fans to scream. "I'm excited to know who the winner is. As everyone knows, the winner will represent the international qualifications!"

The announcer took a moment before announcing the winner, and everyone was focused, eager to hear the results. "The winner is... Park Sunghoon!" Miwon gasp as she believes Sunghoon gonna make it.

The arena erupted with joyful screams, and Miwon couldn't help but share in the excitement. She took a deep breath, feeling proud of him. Sunghoon stepped forward, taking the microphone to give his speech as a winner. He seemed a bit nervous and stuttering slightly as he spoken.

"Oh.. I didn't expect that I'd win. This is my first time winning and can't believe my dream come true, and I want to say thank you to my fans who always supporting me," Sunghoon said. The announcer seized the opportunity to ask a question, "Is there someone who always supports you?"

Sunghoon took a deep breath, his eyes searching the around crowd. Miwon instinctively lowered her head, afraid he might spot her.

"Yes, there is someone. She is my one and only person, the one I love the most. She's always by my side, telling me not to give up and to go after what I want. She is my number one supporter, and how I wish she was here to see me perform," Sunghoon replied with heartfelt words.

"Jang Miwon, I won tonight. This is for you," Sunghoon proudly displayed his gold medal for the camera as he mentioned her name in front of everyone.

Everyone applauded, moved by his speech and dedication. Miwon joined in the applause and tears welling up in her eyes after heard Sunghoon speech about her. Fortunately, her sunglasses hid her emotions.

"Congratulations, you deserve it, mahal ko," she whispered softly, her words barely audible amidst the cheering crowd.

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