7: my bodyguard ♡

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Miwon turned off her computer and set the company files aside as lunchtime had arrived, and she decided to treat herself to a meal outside. It was a rare occurrence for her since she often worked through her lunch hour due to the heavy workload in her company.

Balancing meetings, file checks, and maintaining her position as a top businesswoman left her with little free time. However, she was relieved that it helped keep her mind off Sunghoon. She will focused on staying busy with her work, trying to move forward. As she made her way out of the office, Jay approached her. "Ms. Jang," he called out.

"Oh, Jongseongshi," she responded, using his name informally. Jay smiled at the familiarity. "Did you wait for me here from morning till afternoon?" she asked, surprised that he had been waiting for her. "Hmm, yes," Jay nodded.

Miwon was taken aback since she assumed he would have gone elsewhere instead of waiting for her. "I thought you would have found something else to do. You should have waited inside if you had nowhere else to go."

"It's okay. I didn't know where else to go, actually," Jay replied casually. "Alright then, let's go eat," Miwon said, motioning for him to follow her to a restaurant. Jay walked beside her while followed her walk pace.


"Tell me what you want to eat. I'll pay," Miwon offered as they arrived at the restaurant. "Hmm... I'll just order what you order," Jay replied, deliberately choosing to have the same meal as Miwon because he wants to know her preferences, what kind of food would she likes to eat.

"Are you sure? I'm worried you might have allergies or other dietary restrictions," Miwon expressed her concern. "It's okay, I don't have any food allergies," Jay reassured her. "Okay then, let me order jjigae and two samgyetang chickens. Please make the jjigae less spicy," Miwon instructed the waitress.

The waitress nodded and left to place their order. "Let's share the jjigae; I know I won't be able to finish it all," Miwon chuckled, finding it amusing. "Alright," Jay chuckled in response too because he finding her behavior endearing.

While they waited for their food to arrive, Miwon decided to ask Jay a few questions to know him more. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but based on your appearance, can I know where's you currently work?" Jay who was intentionally lying about his true identity, replied, "I work in a cafe as a waiter."

Amused by his response, Miwon smiling. "Oh, I see..." no wonder he's kinda attractive, probably someone work on cafe mostly good looking. "Yeah, how about you?" Jay inquired, curious about her occupation even though he already knew it. "Me? I guess I'm a CEO," Miwon hesitated before admitting her position.

Jay chuckled at her response, finding it amusing. "That's great. But if you're a CEO, shouldn't you have someone, like a bodyguard, to protect you?" Miwon took a moment to contemplate his question. "Yeah, thanks for reminding me about that. Maybe this time I should hire a bodyguard. Sometimes, it's not safe for me to be alone, especially at night."

Jay nodded in agreement with her concerns. "I could ask my assistant to find one for me." said Miwon casually. Jay bit his lower lip, hoping Miwon wouldn't realize his true intentions. He cleared his throat before continuing, "Or maybe... I could be your bodyguard?" that come out from Jay's mouth.

He avoided making eye contact as he spoke, unsure of how Miwon would react. Miwon stared at him for a few seconds, processing his offer. "Are you sure you want to be my bodyguard?" she asked, genuinely curious.

"Yeah, because my current job not really satisfied. " replied him. "Okay then, I'll hire you." just like that Miwon accepted him. Jay smiled as he looked at her. Finally, he was getting closer to being with her.


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