Part Twenty Seven

Start from the beginning

"What about that date that she had with Bria?"

"It wasn't." She looked at me with a small smirk on her face.

"Why are you smirking?"

"Hazel... She really likes you..."

"Riri, shut up and help me find an outfit." I rolled my eyes, putting my focus back on my wardrobe.

"Where'd she take you?" She still had that stupid smirk on her face.

I was almost positive that she was going to make a big deal out of it since she knew how deep my love for ice skating was and how long it's been since I've actually done it.

"I need clothes" I groaned, trying to avoid the question.

"I need an answer."

"We went ice skating." I mumbled under my breath.

"Hazel!" She squealed

"Shut up." I demanded before any other words could leave her mouth. "Help me. Now."

"Fine." She responded not letting the smirk leave her face.

We continued to search, eventually settling on something we both thought was cute enough for the occasion.

I let out a small groan, noticing that the time was ticking by quickly and I had like an hour to be ready.

I felt myself starting to get nervous, hoping it wouldn't be another Andre situation.

"Okay, I'm ready." I announced, walking out of the room after getting myself together.

"Ooou, cute." She sang, looking me up and down. "When's he coming?"

"He's here now." I responded, looking down at the message that I had just received from him.

"You kids have fun!" She yelled behind me as I made my way out of the front door.

The ride there was silent and awkward. I was expecting the chemistry to come naturally, like it does with Shuri... but, that definitely was not the case.

I sat in the passenger seat still feeling awkward as some romantic comedy played on the big screen in front of us.

The set up was cute and there weren't too many people around, but you could tell that everyone that was here tonight was definitely on a date and not having a nice little family night.

I looked over at KJ whose eyes were focused on the screen.

I couldn't help but find myself wishing that I was here with someone else...

My mind began to wander, imagining how much different this date would be if I were with her.

How hard we'd be laughing at the stupid things the guy was doing to catch the girls attention. How she would place her hand on my thigh so that we could be touching in some way. How she would give me her jacket to wrap around me because she knows how easily I get cold.

"You okay?" KJ asked, breaking me away from my thoughts.

I didn't even notice that I had been staring at him this whole time.

"Sorry," I blushed in embarrassment. "Yeah I'm fine." I smiled.

"You sure?"

"Yes." I responded, hoping it would sound convincing.

"You've been quiet since you've gotten into the car."

I shrugged, "Just a little nervous."

Definitely was a lie.. No one could ever make me as nervous as she did..

He nodded in response.

"I'm really glad you passed." He smiled at me.

"Me too. Thank you again for all of your help."

He gave me a small smile, turning his attention back to the screen.

My mind went back to her, wondering what she was doing while I was struggling to enjoy myself on a date that I agreed to. I just wanted to be with her, whether it was laying in her bed in silence or sitting on the balcony talking about any and everything.

She was my safe space.

She made me feel whole without even trying...

The rest of the date went the exact same as the beginning and the car ride back home was the exact same as it was on the way there.

I was a little disappointed that it wasn't better, but I found comfort in knowing that I gave it a try.

"I had a good time tonight." KJ announced as we pulled into the apartment complex.

"Me too." I lied.

"Maybe next time we can do something a little more entertaining."

"Sure. Next time." I gave him a small smile, gathering my things.

"So there will be a next time?" He asked, pulling into a parking spot.

I chuckled, looking down and playing with my keys that were sitting in my lap.


"Maybe?" He asked, lifting my chin with his finger and making me look at him.


He gave me a smirk as he leaned in, bringing his face closer to mine.

I don't even know why I was letting it go this far. He was only a distraction from her..

I closed my eyes as his lips landed on mine.

But it didn't feel right... It wasn't her..

I didn't feel the butterflies. My palms didn't sweat the way they would whenever she leaned in. My heart didn't race like it did when her lips touched mine.

Shit... I've got it bad...

I pulled away, accidentally letting out a disappointed sigh.

"You okay?" He asked, looking at me concerned.

"Yeah, sorry. I'm just a little tired."

I was just full of lies tonight.

He nodded, looking away.

"Well... Thanks for tonight. I'll see you later." I was hoping to alleviate some of the awkwardness that I had just caused.

The awkwardness that had followed us all night.

"See you later." He gave me a forced smile as I opened the door, getting out of the car.

I watched as he drove away, standing there thinking over the feelings that I couldn't seem to get rid of all night.

"Ooou, that was spicy." Riri's voice yelled, making me jump.

I looked up to see her and Shuri standing on the balcony of our apartment.

My eyes landed on Shuri, trying to read her facial expression.

She didn't seem angry or sad.

Just disappointed...

• • •

Hiiii! I just wanted y'all to know how funny I think the Hazel hate train is 😭 Y'all are so hilarious in these comments & I love it. Thank y'all for all of the reads. As always, y'all are the best ♥️

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