"Sit with us?"

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“Please turn to page two hundred ten in your textbook.” Mcgonagall announced. Cassie flipped through her textbook, stopping at the right page when a piece of parchment landed on the desk beside her. She glanced back to see James hiding his grin, looking forward as if he were paying attention. Cassie unfolded the parchment to find a poorly drawn animated picture of James falling asleep. She rolled her eyes, folding the paper back up and sliding it discreetly in her bag. The class continued and so did the notes, finally she sent one back saying ‘Shut up’.  Once he received it he put a hand on his heart, feigning hurt.
           “Write a small essay on animagai, due tomorrow.” Mcgonagall’s voice sounded through the room as she returned to her desk. Cas pulled out a roll of parchment and dipped her quill in the ink, biting her bottom lip as she wrote. She was pulled out of concentration when the sharp snap of the ink bottle closing echoed in her ear. She looked up to see James holding the ink, he smiled, taking the parchment from her and rolling it up.
          “Class is over.” He told her quietly. She looked around to see the room was mostly empty.
          “Oh, sorry.” She slid her stuff into her bag, following him out of the class.
          “See ya, Potter.” Cass said as she went to walk down the hall to her next class.
         “Wait-” He said rather loudly, making her turn back around. “After this class is lunch.” He announced.
          “...Yeah…” Cass nodded. “Good observation.” She added, moving to turn again.
          “Sit with us?” He asked just loud enough for her to hear. She smiled softly at him.
          “Sure, Potter.” She agreed before walking away. James closed his eyes, rubbing his face with a sigh before walking to his class.
         Cassie went to find James after class, worried about his odd behavior. She found him looking out of a window, a nervous look on his face. She reached out, gently grabbing his bicep. He turned to face her, relaxing when he saw that it was her.
        "What's wrong?" She asked. He shook his head.
         "Nothing." He replied, she hesitated before nodding.
         "Let's get to lunch." Cassie smiled.
          "Will you be there tonight? At the game I mean." He cleared his throat.

Cassie made her way up in the stands with Sirius, Remus, Lily, and Marlene.
       “I thought you didn’t like watching sports?” Marlene smirked at Cass.
       “Thought I would give it another chance… and James wanted me to come.” Cassie admitted, curling up deeper into her scarf.
        “He totally likes you!” Lily exasperated.
        “He likes you, he has since first year.”
        “Things can change,” Sirius joined the conversation, making Cassie look at him with raised eyebrows.
         “What? Just giving my opinion.” He laughed. The game continued and Gryffindor was losing badly against Ravenclaw. James seemed to be off his game, barely catching sight of the snitch when he usually could spot it easily. He looked over in the stands to see Cassie looking at him, pointing towards the Slytherin stands. James followed her finger, taking off once he saw the snitch she was pointing to. He caught up to the snitch so fast he encased it in his hand immediately. The stands went wild, they all stood up, cheering on their friend. Cassie went to pick up her bag in the stands when Remus called out.
       “Uh, Cunningham?”
       “Hm?” Cassie stood up to see James standing in front of her, broom in hand and sweaty.
        “Hi?” She laughed.
        “Hold out your hand.” He heaved, hesitantly, she obeyed. Carefully he placed the snitch in her hand, enclosing her fingers around it.
        “Its yours,” He smiled. “Oh and thanks by the way.” He added a wink before flying off again. Cassie held onto the snitch with two fingers to assure it wouldn't fly away, the wispy wings unfolded as if it were waking up. Its fluttering wings tickled her fingers making her giggle before they folded back up and the snitch went still.
       "He's never done that, even for Lily." Remus whispered to Cassie as they walked back to the dorms. Cassie fell behind, looking down at the golden ball clutched in her hand. She didn't know what she felt for her friend or what she wanted to be, she didn't even know what he felt, so she decided to go on like normal and be a bit more observant. She walked back up to her dorm, carefully placing the snitch in a small box, placing it beside her bed. She changed into a pair of black and red plaid pajama pants and an old Gryffindor shirt. She grabbed her book and started for the common room. She walked into another raging victory party, she looked down once she heard a familiar voice speaking. She saw James and Lily dancing together, her arms around his neck, his arms pulling her flush against him, and she knew she was stupid for ever even thinking James Potter could love someone other than Lily Evans.

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