Fourth of July

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"I'd never be with her. You're my best friend, man." Higgins tells Robbie. "And Jasmine would never be with me, because I'm me."

Roxanne, Sally and Deanna came up the stairs, wondering what's with the comisión.

Isabella couldn't help but stare at Roxanne. She liked so beautiful, in the green t-shirt that read the lakes name, her jeans that hug snuggly around her waist and thighs. Her long curly dark hair falling off her shoulders. Isabella took a mental image, she looked amazing and she wished she could tell her that.

"Look, sorry I don't have my whole life together, like Lenny." Isabella tilted her head, knowing Lenny doesn't because of his relationship with Roxanne.

"Oh, together, like Lenny." Roxanne mocks. Almost laughing.

"Please. I answered your phone, hipócrita." Roxanne tells him, Lenny Jim's not seeing the problem. "It was your assistant. I asked him if he canceled the flight to Milan. He said he did. Before we even came!" Roxanne yells at him for the last sentence.

"He said that? Why would he say that? I mean.." Lenny tried to defend himself, even conforming Roxanne made the ohhh decision on choosing Isabella. She gets so tired of the goofing around and lying and not once being responsible or mature.

"So he just made that up, huh?" She questions, throwing her hands in the air. "I'm not saying he made it up. I think... in his head be believes it's true." Lenny lord again, almost gaslighting Roxanne.

Roxanne stomps I've got him, pointing a finger in his face." Don't you agent me. Lenny." She tells him, fed up with it. "Stop trying to handle everybody and everything and start taking a little responsibility for once!" She rants to him.

Isabella felt bad that Roxanne has to put up with him, especially when he acts like a 14 year old boy about everything. She's glad she's not like that. She also couldn't help finding that Roxanne accent getting thicker when she ranted attractive.

"I'll take responsibility. Okay? You're right." Lenny says, seeing he couldn't get out of it, so he mans up. "I thought it would be better for our family to be here with normal people... instead of going to Milan." He admits.

"We're normal?" Deanna questions, looking around. Isabella couldn't help but smile at that, finding it funny.

"I was scared to tell you. It was easier for me to keep it a secret." Lenny tells Roxanne, infuriating even more unknown to him. That he rather lie to her then tell her the truth and fess up. Their marriage wouldn't have worked out, she's glad she isn't alone, Isabella is there rather run the future, being alone and divorcing him.

"You peel back any marriage, there are secrets." Lamonsoff tried to help his best friend. "Mine is I love you. I love you very much." He tells Sally, seeing the look she was giving him.

"Roxanne, i just... I... our kids are becoming nutty, snobby, spoiled... we got a nanny, we got..." Lenny tells her. "So she is a nanny." McKenzie says, knowing he was right.

"No. No. No. she's not a nanny." Lenny back tracks, lying again. "Of course she's a nanny. When does the lying stop?" Roxanne explodes, frustrated at the lies being thrown in her face.

"It stops right after this." Lenny tells her. "She's more of an su pair. Not a nanny." Lenny tells McKenzie. Roxanne huffs, stomping her foot. That's as the last straw.

"Lenny... stop. I cant.." Roxanne says, taking a step back. She knew he was trying to lighten the mood in a sense but this wasn't the right time. "Okay, sorry." He apologies.

"I can't be with someone who won't take anything serious. I cant with the constant immaturity, like I'm the only adult. I know that's you Lenny, god. But I can't stand having to be the bad guy, being mature and being responsible." Roxanne rants, stepping more back, unintentionally seeking Isabella's comfort.

"Wait what.." Lenny asks shocked, he didn't think Roxanne minded. "I can't take you staring at girls and not thinking I notice. It doesn't seem like you care anymore. Like I'm no longer beautiful and I'm just someone you married. Like I no longer matter." Roxanne says, shocking everyone, no one expected her to come out at announce that.

"Roxanne... that further from the truth. Okay those girls, they are.." Lenny tried but he couldn't stop stuttering.

"Lenny, I should be the only girls you ever stare at, the only girl that ever matters to you. I don't go looking at men I find attractive. I didn't..." she mumbles, the guilt of her sleeping and falling in love with Isabella came to her head. But this is right. She needs to end it.

"I need a divorce, we need a divorce. I can't love someone who I don't feel loved me back. You need someone who will laugh at your jokes and immaturity, whose fine with your wondering eyes, who can match you, but I can't." Tears develop in both their eyes. The person they both wake up to won't be there for each other anymore.

"Roxanne what? When have you felt this." Lenny questions, his wife leaving him, he couldn't get why this is happening.

"I've felt this for years Lenny, but I realized this recently. I'm not your match, I'm not your soulmate. I'm not the person who will adore your immaturity. Some woman will, but I'm not her. I'll take the kids, I want to be a better mom. You'll have them for weekends and they can always go to your house after school, and holidays. We'll figure this out, without a lawyer, the only thing we share love for is the kids. I just can't anymore. I'm so sorry Lenny. But it has to be this way, it will hurt us if I ignore it." Roxanne confesses.

She knew Isabella was with her, she knew she couldn't tell Lenny about Isabella until later, she couldn't add salt to the already open wound. She notices the looks from his friends and the sympathy looks from their wives. "I'll stay, for the kids. But I'm gonna be staying in Bella's room, so it won't be uncomfortable. But after that, we go back home and figure this out."

Isabella watches as Roxanne walks away, she felt guilty for Roxanne leaving Lenny. But Roxannes happiness mattered the most to her. She walked after her, watching as she walked into her and Lenny's room, packing her bags and grabbing her things from the bathroom.

"Are you okay?" Isabella asks, watching as tears run down Roxannes face. "It had to been done. I wanted to wait, for the kids, but I couldn't. I couldn't lie and keep it up." She cry's, the pain of losing the man she once loved, being real.

Isabella walked forward, bringing Roxanne into a hug, holding her close. Letting her cry into her chest.

"Go to my room, I'll finish packing for you." Isabella tells her, watching as Roxanne walks away. She picks up her cloths, folding them before putting them in her suitcase. She grabs the baggy full of her bathroom condiments, putting them in their spot in the suitcase before closing it.

She grabs the suit cases, turning toward the door to see Becky there. "Where's mommy going?" She asks, Isabella holds her breath, not sure what she's supposed to say. "No where, Honey." Finding that as the best response she could think of at the time.

"Can I see her?" Becky asks, her voice getting upset at the thought of not being able to see Roxanne. "Yes, of course. You'll always be able to see your mommy. Why don't you help me bring this bag to her?" Isabella asks her, handing Roxannes make up bag to the little girl.

She take the bag, following Isabella to her room. "Guess who wants to see you?" Isabell says, smiling as Becky pushes through the door and running to Roxanne, whose sitting on the bed.

Isabella sits down the bags, smiling as Becky crawls into her moms lap, hugging her. "I'll leave you two alone." Isabella mouths to Roxanne, receiving a nod of gratitude from her.

Isabella closes the door behind her, leaving Roxanne with her daughter.


Party Monster {R. Chase-Fader}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat