In love with Mr popular pt2

585 18 12

Yeosang's pov

"So who's your friends seonghwa?" A tall boy asked "that's San and yeosang they are juniors" he said simply I look up seeing San frown I forgot they weren't out with their relationship yet.

That made me hug him tightly he giggles and hugs back "are" Another boy asked "n-" seonghwa was cut off my San "yes we are!" He said shocking seonghwa and me he only kept walking holding me I giggled catching on "yup this is my handsome boyfriend~" I said smiling San laughed kissing my birth mark again and we both high fives each other.

"Wow um you guys look cute together" a short boy said we turned smiling "thank you!~" we said at the same time and I could've sworn I saw wooyoung look upset but maybe my mind just is playing tricks on me.

Soon we arrived at school and went into the lunchroom for breakfast and of course they all sat with us I sighed I did not wanna eat and stare at wooyoung.

"Are you okay sangie?" San asked I nodded "do you have lunch sannie?" I asked he shook his head with a pout I giggled "you can have some of mine" I said his eyes immediately lit up and he nodded I giggled taking out my food I made yesterday which was rice, fried chicken, and bulgogi "woah you made all that for breakfast yeosang?" The tall boy asked I chuckled "no I made it for dinner yesterday and I had leftovers so here it is" I said.

San pouted "why didn't I think to do that?" He said I giggled "yeah why didn't you?" I said he only pouted taking my chopsticks and started eating the bulgogi "yah! Those are mine" I said pouting he shrugged and passed them too me I gave him a disgusted face he laughed "it's not like I was doing anything nasty with my mouth and I brushed my teeth this morning!" He said I sighed "I guess so" I said and started eating the rice and bulgogi together.

"Wait so you guys are dating and live together?" The short boy asked I nodded "yeah! Sangie got kicked out by his parents for...reasons and I was already living on my own so I asked him to live with me" he said and I nodded stuffing my face.

Everyone then heard a scoff making us all look at who it was and it was none other than jung wooyoung.

"You got something to say wooyoung?" San spat "no nothing just something in my teeth is all" he said plainly making San roll his eyes "by the way what your names?" He asked "oh! That's right we didn't do introductions! I'm hongjoong!" The short boy said then one of the tall boys spoke up "I'm yunho nice to meet you guys" he said smiling he looked like a cute puppy "and my name is mingi!~" the other tall one said.

Lastly the black haired boy spoke up "jongho" he said "I'm assuming you all know wooyoung" hongjoong said we both nodded "who doesn't?" I mutter "what was that yeosang?" Wooyoung asked "n-nothing!" I said and continued to eat with a blush on mg face.

Everyone then got their lunch and we all started talking I felt wooyoung's eyes on me here and there but they kept wondering to sans arm around my shoulder.

A few minutes later a girl came up to our table making everyone but San and I groan we didn't know who she was.

"Who the hell are you?" San blurted out bluntly everyone laughed while San looked genuinely confused I was too.

"None of your business twink" she spat uh oh "did she just?" He said my eyes widen an angry san wasn't a good one "um miss I think you should run while you can" I said while eating a fried chicken leg she scoffed "and who are you? Your so ugly why are you even talking to me?" She spat again I gave her a blank stare "I know she did not just say that after I tried to warn her" I said putting my chopsticks down she ignored me and turned to wooyoung smiling seductively.

"So wooyoung wanna skip next period and hang out with me at the spot?" She asked and I cringed but I was annoyed so I got up "yah! I know you heard me talking to you" I said calmly standing up and San got up as well we both stared at her she disrespected both of us she was gonna get it.

"I-I um sannie, sangie calm down" seonghwa said getting up "we are calm hwa but this bitch disrespected us for no reason when we simply wanted to know who she was" San said angrily she yawned and turned to us "are you ugly twinks still talking?" She asked that's it.

I grabbed my chopsticks and leaned over the table jabbing her neck making her scream after that San laughed and grabbed yunho's vanilla milkshake pouring it on her "now you look like an ugly cumslut mess with us again and we'll do worse" he said coldly and we both sat down like nothing happened "aish she got my chopsticks dirty" I said.

"It's okay sangie I got extra ones!" San said and I smiled "thank you sannie!~" I said and kissed his cheek making him giggle.

"So....we gonna pretend that didn't happen?" Mingi said and seonghwa sighed "that's yeosang and San for you" he said "now wooyoung next time you choose a fuck buddy chose them wisely other wise they won't be the only ones getting their ass kicked" San said annoyed he only rolled his eyes "whatever it's not my problem how they treat people" he said and San groaned "I'm trying so hard not to beat your ass but if I do somebody will get made and ignore me for days"

He said and I blushed kicking him under the table "oh? And who is this someone? Is she hot?" He asked with no shame "that's it I'm fucking murdering you" San said almost getting up until I pulled him back down "oh come on sangie let me just bang his punchable face on the table" he said I shook my head "it's the fact that your assuming the gender of this person are you a closeted homophobic wooyoung?" San asked.

That got me looking up "what do you have against wooyoung San?" Mingi asked San scoffed "there's a list starting with the fact that he's a fuckboy and sticks his penis in everything he sees" San said disgusted "and what does that have to do with you?!" Wooyoung spat "nothing but ye-" he cut himself off groaning and he got up "I'm leaving before I say and then do something I regret" he said walking away from the table.

I sigh getting up as well "well it was nice meeting you all" I said bowing then grabbed my things and ran after San I felt bad he had to keep my secrets

Poor yeosang and San 🥲

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