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Tears came out of my eyes non-stop. Aonung arms were around me, trying to calm me down. Ronal was screaming, in pain for her sister, her song compositor. She was broken, angry, sad, upset, mad. She was not her, she couldn't feel.

"Lìra'y please, stop crying." Aonung whispers were almost inaudible to my ears, I was scared. "Please." His lips kissed my forehead.

Everything was perfect 2 days ago. What happened? Why?

Reya was shocked. Speechless, she was hugging herself with Lo'ak next to her. The outsiders didn't know what to do.

I'm scared. Where is 'Tia? Did she get killed too? Is she safe?

Why is it so hard to breathe?

"Lìr, breathe please." His hand removed my hair from my face, Aonung made me look at him. "I need you to breathe. Follow me, do what I do."

Inside and out. Inspire and expire. Inside and out. His eyes with worry and anger and sadness. His hands in my cheeks. His heart racing and his voice trying not to crack in front of me.

My eyes stopped tearing and my head rested in his chest. He kissed my forehead again before hugging me, stopping the eyes of others to see me so weak. "It 's fine Lìr."

The immediate reunion the whole clan had was violent, aggressive and I found it fair. I stood next to Reya, we hugged each other, watching our people thirst for revenge.

Ronal and Tonowari talked about killing, destroying, burning like the sky people had burned the houses of others. Claiming what was ours and getting our revenge.

Aonung was angry. Rotxo was angry. Everyone was angry.

Tsireya's hand squeezed mine when Jake and Neytiri started talking, trying to make the chiefs think about what could happen, about how the sky people would destroy everything we loved.

Ronal touched her belly and Aonung looked at me and Tsireya.I stopped crying a while ago, there were no tears left.

"You have to tell the Tulkuns to go away, before they dare to kill another." The words of the older Sully made me gasp and tremble.

"Why are sky people doing this?" There was silence after my question. Neytiri looked at me with compassion. I didn't want people looking at me like that, I wanted people with answers. "I asked something!"

"Lìra'y." Ronal talked. No. She commanded me to stay quiet, just with my name. I remained quiet, I was just a kid before their eyes.

I am a kid. But I suffer too. I feel pain, anger, sadness. I am able to be happy, I am supposed to feel happy.

I'm just a kid, as they would say.

The meeting ends and I hurry to go tell 'Tia about the dangers. But before I submerged into the water I heard the screams of my friends, they were talking to Neteyam and Lo'ak.
I went ask. "What is wrong?"

"He is crazy! He is going to tell Payakan!" Neteyam was angry. "Lìr tell him. Make him understand that he can't go! Tell him it is dangerous!"

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