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Neteyam hugged me really hard. Literally, he was choking me.

"Neteyam, let go" My voice was a whisper. "I can't breathe."

"Oh shit. Sorry Lìr." I search for oxygen. I was being dramatic. "You are exaggerating."

I laughed at him. "Maybe. You're happier than me, and I'm the one that got kissed!"

"Well, you were really annoying about Aonung and how much you wanted to kissed him and hugged him and told him how much you like him and how much you dream of him touching you and-"

"Shut up! I didn't say anything about that! You are lying!"

"Oh, am I?" He rolled his eyes. "Lìra'y, I could make a song about you two."

"And how would you title it?"

"I don't know. 'Golden hour'?"

"That 's cute. I thought you would say something naughty."

"How dare you?! I'm not Lo'ak."

I told Neteyam about my conversation with Aonung. I told him how much I liked the kiss, how I felt and the way I tried to not cry of happiness.

We talked about his brother, Neteyam was worried and frustrated. He didn't cry but I felt how he was fighting the tears.

He explained to me how everyone wanted him to be the perfect first son, how everyone expected him to be a leader and a completely mature na'vi.

"But you are sixteen."

"Since when do adults care about that? I'm supposed to take care of everything and everyone."

"You don't need to be perfect around me."

"I know Lìr. You and Tuk are my safe place." I hugged him one last time before going back to the village.

Aonung was with Rotxo and his friends so I didn't go with him. I searched for Tsireya and found her at the beach.

"Lìr! Where were you?" She hugged me.

"I was with Neteyam, I was telling him the news."

"News?" She was confused. "What news?"

I smiled, remembering what happened yesterday made me happy. I get closer to her. "Aonung kissed me."

A smile grew in her face and her eyes light in excitement. Reya hugged me again and started jumping with me in her arms.

"I can't believe it! Oh, Lìr. I'm so happy!" I could see that, she started to make questions about how and when it happened and I told her everything. The whole conversation. "My brother is right. We will always be proud of you."

I smiled, a smile full of love and happiness. Reya was my everything, I couldn't imagine a best friend that wasn't her. "Now, tell me about Lo'ak."

Her cheeks blush. She got shy and I giggled, her mouth opened and all her feelings for the boy got out, she expressed all that she felt around him. How much he liked his rebellion and how fast he learned the way of water.

We spent the rest of the morning talking about her doubts and my new relationship with her brother.

Aonung and I met at the beach just to have some time together. It was new for me to hold his hand more than just as friends with secret feelings. I couldn't stop touching him, I found out that I loved his neck. It was hard and soft and at the same time, I liked hugging him from there and his hands around my waist or just my back.

We were sitting on the sand, I Lost track of the times I traced his hand lines. He was telling me about his day and how he was waiting for her spiritual brother when the sound of the waves increased and the Tulkuns arrived. I got up quickly, grabbed his arms and started swimming with him.

I searched for Krana'tia, my spiritual sister. I hugged her face and we started communicating.

"Hello my sweet girl." I signed for her.

"Hi Lìra'y."

"I have so much to tell you 'Tia." She 'smiled' at me. "I kissed him."


"Yes! And it was beautiful. Oh, if you could have seen it. I felt so happy! I feel so happy!"

"It makes me happy." I hugged her again.

"I met a brother. His name is Neteyam, wait here, I'll bring him." I went to the surface and searched for my brother. "Neteyam! Come here."

The boy swam to me, a little bit confused. "Yes?"

"I want you to meet my spiritual sister." I grabbed his arm and submerged him. "This is him." Neteyam signed for her, saying hi. "I'll help you too to communicate."

They talked for a bit before Neteyam needed to breathe again. It was late and we needed to go back to the village. I said goodbye to 'Tia and she hummed a little melody as I swam back to the beach.

We all had dinner together. I sat next to Aonung and in front of Reya. The siblings annoyed each other in a funny way, telling the outsiders some core memories of our friend group. We talked about when Aonung and Rotxo got tucked between two trees and about Reya cutting her hair too short.

I laughed so much that night, I held Aonung's hand, I played with it and compared it to mine. He kissed my hand when no one was looking, making it just between us. I could stop smiling. That night felt so perfect.

What could go wrong?


an- sorry if it's to short, but I just wanted to write this before getting into the feels.
      Neteyam and Lìr sibling relationship makes so happy 🫂.


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