You like who?????

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Lets continue where we left off............

S: You like.......Newt

B: No

S: I know that, you like Troy

B: What?????No

S: Omg you like Troy

B: Fine you know, please don't tell anyone

S: we have to tell Pepper

B: Ya ok

S: PEPPER!!!!!

Pepper walks in laughing at her phone

P: Ya

B:What so funny

P: Something Sawy...I mean let me mom sent me, ya my mom

S: Oh ok, so Bella has something to tell you

B: I like Troy

P: Really....I did not see that coming. But I totally ship you guys

B: Thanks for being so supportive guys

P: Anytime

S: Ya you can count on us.

Short chapter, i know, but next will be long. Thanks for more than 200 reads :)

Bella and The Bulldogs       My crush list (pepper and sawyer)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora