("You are very observant indeed! Thou shalt not worry, for it is the latter that's the truth!")

The god answered in an obviously joyful tone.

"Well if it is the latter, how long was I out?"

"ꏂꉧꋬꉔ꓄꒒ꌦ ꋬ ꅐꏂꏂꀘ ꂵꌦ ꒯ꏂꋬꋪ!"

("Exactly a week my dear!")

I hummed in approval with the new information, it seemed like exhausting my mp and hp made me unconscious for a whole week.

Though it may not seem much, it is still quite problematic to be unconscious for that long when I'm in those kind of tricky scenarios or situations.

'I need to level up more...'

Was my final decision before sighing.

"If it had already been a week since then, would the reason that you are able to talk to me is the sign of my awakening?"

I questioned, which the ball of light nodded in response.

"꒐ꋊ ꊰꋬꉔ꓄, ꌦꄲ꒤'ꋪꏂ ꋬ꒒ꋪꏂꋬ꒯ꌦ ꅐꋬꀘ꒐ꋊꍌ ꒤ꉣ ꋪ꒐ꍌꁝ꓄ ꋊꄲꅐ!"

("In fact, you're already waking up right now!")

With that, I could feel the same sucking sensation back when I first arrived in this world.

It took me a while to be able to reconnect with my body moving it only prove to do so, since being in that dark room and that white room seemed to have deemed the use of muscles unnecessary.

So with the prolonged of only floating around, and not really using any energy or muscle strength the past week, lifting even just the pinky of my hand proved to be challenging.

Just like when I was first birthed into this world, which was not really a pleasant experience. Should I feel lucky to not have experience such mortifying thing again or feel unlucky to have experienced it in the first place?

All in all, I just stopped thinking about it as I try to open my heavy lidded eyes.

Guess even the mere opening of my eyelids would proved to be hard...

Even so... I still tried and tried again and again, so with much effort put in just opening my eyelids I managed to finally do so...
To only close them back again.


It was because of the bright light that decided to assault my eyes the moment I managed to open them.


I groaned in annoyance.

'Why is it that the first time I open my eyes, I would be greeted by a goddamn light?'

I thought as I think about a certain god who took the form of a ball made of light.


I heard someone exclaim, a shadow figure then blocked the said light.

With the familiar resounding voice, I tried to open my eyes again.

Reincarnated as the "Unfortunate prince"Where stories live. Discover now