chapter 1

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I scream as I get kicked in the gut.
The boys.. they laugh at me.
"Fag" I hear one say, "Good for nothing!"
I knew if I begged to stop, it'll only get worst.
They pick me up by the collar of my sweater and kick and punch me, everything. Finally after a while they drop me and leave me.
I sit there for a moment and I hear someone walk towards me.
I curl up into a ball, shutting my eyes.
"Please don't hurt me!" I yell which comes out more of the sound of a normal voice.
"Are you okay?" The voice is thick with an German accent.
I look up to see a pair of blood red eyes looking at me. White hair.. An albino?
I try to stand up but I yelp in pain.
"Here let me help you." He leans over and grabs my hand then pulls his other arm around my waist supporting me. I blush and I look away.
"What's your name?" He asks me
"I'm M-matthew Williams," I say quietly. "What's y-yours?" I look up at him.
"Me?" He laughs. "I'm am Ze Awesome Gilbert Beilschmidt! Kesesese"
"T-thats cool.. I think" I reply
"No Mattie, its awesome."
Mattie? I've never had a nickname before.
After a while of walking I start to feel uneasy.
"Um, G-gilbert, where are we going?"
"Oh Mattie, were going to my house, you need bathed and patched up!" He said with a wink.
I look down at my blooded clothes, all beatened and battered.
"Oh, I'll be fine, I can go back to my house." I said
"Are you sure, Mattie?" He said uneasy.
"Y-yeah! I'll be f-fine." Why am I stuttering so much? Why is Gilbert so cu- I mean nice.
He sighed "I'll walk you home then, just lead me the way."
"Oh, okay well just go down the road and take a left.."
Once we got to my house Gilberts hand was still around my waist. I blushed.
"Um we're here.." I say and his hand left my waist which for some reason somewhat upset me.
"Ill see you tomorrow Birdie!" He said winking at me then leaving.
I blush as red as the Canadian flag then go inside my house. Alfred was sleeping by now, it was only me and him.
I walk to my room and go into the bathroom. I took a shower and looked at all the cuts and brusies that scarred my body.
I put on a T-shirt and a pair of pajama pants and walk back to the bathroom and sat on the toilet.
I opened a drawer grabbing a box.
I shake as I open it, the only thing that has helped me.
I grabbed one of the many blades and slashed my wrist and arm.
One, two, three, ten, I loose count. I feel the warmth of the blood pour onto my skin, spilling.
I start to feel light headed then I pass out.

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