chapter 14

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Jason's POV

It is five days since I told dad about my ex I get up out of bed and look in the mirror as I have a fancy party to go to day it's the CFD and CPD party I don't want to go but it's their Christmas party I'm just wearing a simple suit with no tie I walk down stairs to see my dad and Kelly dad looks at me "son I have to tell you me and Kelly are engaged " I just have a shock look on my face " let's go to the party" I say and walk to the door " hey boy aren't you going to say anything " I just look at Kelly" you know what I'm not going to this party yous can I'll just catch up on work " I say and walk to my room I hear the door shut I get out of my suit and throw one of dad's old CFD hoodies and lay in bed.

A hour has passed and my phone is blowing up with Texts from Hank, Adam, Antonio, Erin and dad. I just turn my phone off and watch some movies on Netflix I hear the door open and shut I just stay in my room

Matt's POV

When me and Kelly get home Kelly goes straight to the couch I walk to my room and put my nice clothes away I sigh and think about what Kelly said to my son I knock on his door I don't hear a come in so I knock again nothing so I walk into see my son watching Netflix and in one of my old CFD hoodies "hey son did you eat" he shakes his head no "do you want some food" he shakes his head no "is this about what Kelly said" he shakes his head yes "I told him off and told him what happened to you and he feels badly" he looks at me " you told him that I had to get away from men like that"
"Son I know it's hard but give it time you will love him and I don't want to lose you again"
"You didn't lose me I need out dad from Jay he was all was mad when yous weren't together"
"That's why you left because of Jay"
"Hank help me he gave me some money and a number of somebody who could help me"
"Son come over here" he moves closer to me and I hug him that's when Kelly comes in with ice cream and three spoons so we eat up and fall asleep.

Jason's POV

It was the next day and I was out looking for Christmas present for dad and Kelly I got Kelly a new tool box and some tools for it I look at some stuff for dad and see Adam walking my way so I keep my head down and start walking
"Jason you weren't at the party last night we were worried about you"
"Something came up and I couldn't go to the party plus I'm busy so if I can I need to go" after that I walk away and go to the fire house and park outside I walk up to the garage doors I walk to the squad table and jump in the arm chair that's when Kelly shows up "out of my seat son"
"Fine where's dad is he in his office or the kitchen"
"He's in his office and he doesn't want to be Disturbed"
"We will see about that" I start to walk to dad's office to see him and Hank in there talking I start to walk to the kitchen when I'm pull into the office by Hank " Jason I need your help but your dad is saying no"
"I'll do it but I need details before I say yes" Hank starts to tell me what I need to do I give dad a hug and kiss and hand over my keys and phone, wallet. I walk with Hank to get ready for this job

Five months have gone by and today the team are going to make the bust I climb into the back of a black truck it takes awhile to get to the deal I get dropped off and get to the sniper point I get ready "the area is clear" with that the gang start making the deal that's when the team move in gun shots go off I start running to get out of there that's when I hear "turn around" I do as they say "you trader you work for the pigs" I don't say anything that's when I hear a gun shot I feel a pain in my chest I fall to the ground

Adam's POV

We get all the gang members that's when we hear a gun shot from were Jason is I start running when I get to the roof I see a man standing over Jason I shot the man I ran to Jason he is just laying there "Jason come on stay with me" Jason looks at me "Adam I don't know how long I got but I love you"
"No Jason don't stop fighting come on"
Jason doesn't move "I need ambulance
Police officer down " I look at Jason he pulls me down and kisses me on the lips " I love you too Jason please stay with me please"

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