chapter 7

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Hermann's point of view

Matt was drunk when I got to him I pulled him into a hug he was listening to end of the world by skeeter Davis
He started crying 20 minutes go by and he has stopped crying and wants to go see Trudy

"Matt I don't believe that is a good idea"

"Hermann you take me to she her or I will call Hank to come and get me it's your choice"

"God damnit Matt but if you and Jay get into a fight it's not my fault"

"Then let me go I will do this my way go back to the firehouse"

Matt just walked out the door and pulled out his phone

Matt's point of view

"Hey Hank can you pick me up from Molly's so I can see Trudy "

"Hey Matt I will pick you up I'll be there in ten minutes ok bye"

"See Hermann you don't have to worrie about me my ride is on it's way"

I see Hanks car pull up I hoped in and we drove to Trudy

"Hey Hank why is Matt with you "

"Ask him "

"Hank stay I want Jay to stay away from Molly's and firehouse 51 because of what he did do day was unforgettable "

"Matt what did he do"

"Will Hank you now how you found me at the firehouse will I was like that again and Jay lost it at me and said I was a player and that I should be with Kelly and shit like that"

"I'm sorry Matt "

"Trudy could you trespass from my place please "

"I can do that for you love "

I give them a nod and walk away and then I see Jay thank God Trudy saw and gave me a lift home

Hank's point of view

"Hey Hank why was Matt here "

"Because of what you did to day at the firehouse you know Hermann had to go and find him and he was pissed I went to pick him up but he just wanted to talk to Trudy but your ass showed up just stay away from Matt and Kelly and firehouse 51 and Matt's place got it "

I just nod and Hank walks outside

Kelly's point of view

I get a text from Hank saying that Matt was on his way home with Trudy and that Matt was Abit drunk so Trudy would stay with him until I get home

I let out a sigh knowing that Matt is safe and taking care of I run to cheif to talk him the good news and I ask him if I could go home he nodded his head and I left when I should up I let Trudy leave I pick Matt up and take him to bed I kissed him on the forehead and left and not shutting the door all the way closed I sit in the kitchen making some lunch when I hear a knock at the door I open it to find Antonio then I let him in and said that Matt is just having a nap before lunch

"So Kelly I'm looking for a place to stay if you guys have a room I can stay in"

"Sorry Antonio I can't say it's Matt's house and it's up to him"

We see Matt come in to the kitchen

"Hey Antonio what are you doing here"

"Hey Matt I'm looking for a place to stay and if you have a room I could stay in"

"Sure Antonio you can stay here 500 every second week for rent and the other king bedroom you can have but on some rules"

"What are the rules"

"No partys with out letting me know no Jay not if I say you could stay here I want nothing to do with him got it and you help with the food and you come out to Molly's with us and if it's not a day night come to the restaurant with us and I don't mind if you have people over like girls or boys but no one helps themselves to my drinks or my bedroom or the office got it"

"I can live with them rules I just didn't want to live with Jay no more "

"What Jay is living with you again "

"Not now"

Me Matt, Antonio and I have a lovely lunch and we think of what Matt should make for dinner Matt said we should have a BBQ tomorrow to welcome are new roommate and to have that house warming party that didn't happen we All agreed that it would be nice and I should Antonio around well Matt went back to bed

"So this is your room it has a walk in closet and it's own bathroom "

"This is nice what is up with Matt "

"He got Abit drunk because Jay showed is face at the firehouse and said same bad things and Matt got mad as fuck and walked off"

"Hank wants to kill Jay after what he did to Matt and what you did"

"Why would Hank do that"

"He feels like Matt is his son and will protect me and hurt his boy"

"Hermann will do that as well so that makes to and here is your key and I'll let you get your things and I'll be with Matt" I walked into mine and Matt's room and hopped in bed and pulled Matt closer to me and kissed his for head and full asleep

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