I check the time after and it was already really late

we go to bed and wake up the next day,

"goodmorning amor" joão says when he noticed me next to him.

"goodmorning hermoso" I say blushing

we get out of bed and I make breakfast, I made an English breakfast because joão has never tried it and i couldn't really be bothered to make something that hard.

whilst I'm flipping the egg, I feel warm hands around my waist and a soft head on my shoulder. I freeze for a moment realising it was joao, I then started blushing like mad and smirking.

he starts putting music on and starts rocking me with him as he was vibing to the music, it was so fun.

"I have training today btw bonita" he says

"that's fine, I will drop you there and I might go get coffee with a freind or something"

I feel him smile and say nothing, I smile back to myself.

whilst he was eating breakfast I noticed him staring at his phone intensly,

"what you looking at amor?" I say curiously

"oh, nothing" he says still focusing on his phone

I roll my eyes and finish my breakfast

then head upstairs to get changed out of my comfy clothes.

I wear a casual light blue button up shirt with a white pencil skirt and curl my hair at the ends a little.

I apply some mascara and some light lipstick and blush.

joao walks in and kisses my forehead whilst I was sitting on the chair at my makeup desk and he was standing behind it

I see hes already dressed and I jump up from my chair and say

"are you ready to go amor?"

"yes, are you?"

"I am, let's go"

we get in the car and I drop him off after a 10-20 minute drive. I kiss him on the cheek,

"have fun training my love" I say whilst waving goodbye.

I then leave and go to the shopping centre for a bit to waist time whilst I wait for him to ask me to pick him up.

I don't really find anything to my fancy and just go to get more food and a drink as I was hungry and had been walking for awhile.

joão then texts me asking me to pick him up, I go drive there but it wasn't a long drive because I didn't go far for that reason

he gets in and i ask him how it was and he just replies

"good, how was shopping?"

"it was decent, I didn't buy anything because there wasn't much there I liked."


we arrive home and just go upstairs and chill whilst musics playing. I move closer to him and he looks at me and smirks.

I move closer again and start kissing him trying to tease him, let's just say it worked.

I moved down to his neck and found his sweet spot and started kissing it like crazy. he let out a moan.

I smirked whilst I looked into his eyes.

and did it again in his sweet spot. "ohmy.. I love you so much kora." he says whilst moaning.

"oh do you now..?" I say whilst looking at him blushing hard.

he then starts kissing my neck and gave me more hickeys, i moan this time "oh fuck joão." I say.

tulips- joão félix Where stories live. Discover now