Start from the beginning

It was two hours before the bell rang, everyone was starting to pack up their things and head out to their next class. Sonic left the classroom looking down at his schedule. "Sonic Wait!" He stopped in his tracks Miles came running after him.

"I figured I could help you to your next class...You know since your new in all" Miles smiled.

"Y-you d-don't have t-to" Sonic quietly said, he didn't appreciate Miles helping him...since he knew this kind of trick before...when someone was nice to him it was so they could get him to trust them, than they hit him to submission, at his old School it was what the jocks did to do him just so they can get their homework done on time.

"Are you sure?" Miles reached out to try and touch Sonic's shoulder but the blue hedgehog started trembling, that's when Miles noticed the cigarette burns on Sonic's neck, and he quickly drew his hand back. "I-Sorry"

Sonic noticed Miles drawn his hand back, and he slowly started to calm himself down, he was okay with the young fox walking beside him to his next class, he just wasn't ready to make friends yet...not have Sally betrayed him like she did. He made it to his next class which was downstairs on the first floor. "I guess I'll see you at lunch...I'm sorry about earlier I had know idea" Miles said to Sonic.

The azure male saw how genuine Miles was being, maybe he could make it up to him by sitting by him at lunch. "I-It's o-okay...a-and yeah" Miles' ears perked up and he nodded he waves Sonic goodbye before heading off to his own classroom. When Sonic opened the door to the classroom, he saw a green hedgehog, who was wearing the male school uniform, but with a black leather jacket over the dress shirt, with a flame patch on the sleeve, red shades on his head. This is Scourge The Hedgehog.

"Ah hello, you must be the new student" The Male Teacher greeted him.

Sonic nodded "I-I'm S-Sonic"

"Welcome Mister Rose, I have an open desk in front of Scourge" The Teacher said pointing to the emerald male who had his shoes propped up on the back of the seat's head rest.

Scourge felt movement on at the desk in front of him, opened his eyes and spotted something blue, but they didn't remove his legs, or even asked him to move his shoes. When the figure started moving he saw the peach muzzle and recognized it as being a hedgehog, "Well aren't you an interesting student" he thought to himself he changed positions. "Hey, Kid!" He said to Sonic.

Sonic pinned his ears down, before he turned around to meet Scourge's gazes, the other hedgehog's sapphire eyes was starting to make Sonic tremble in his seat. "Woah Kid, I haven't done anything...yet"

"P-please...d-don't h-hurt me...I'll d-do whatever you want..." Sonic said as he was holding back a whimper. Scourge only blinks was this kid really that afraid of him. "Er...Just for get it..."

Sonic quickly asked the Teacher if he could go to the bathroom, The Teacher allowed Sonic to go...this just spiked Scourge's curiosity and he got up from his desk to follow Sonic. Upon entering the restroom he heard the faint sound of someone crying in the stalls.

Sonic was quietly sobbing to himself, first it was his encounter with Miles, now Scourge, he just wanted to go home and forget about School, but he didn't want Shaundre to follow in his footsteps of being a high-school drop out. He sniffs taking a few deep breaths to calm himself down, he opened the stall to see Scourge standing there, he quickly moved past the emerald hedgehog heading back to class.

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