╰┈➤ Prologue ✮

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Every avid anime fan has thought of it at least once– perhaps even hoped for it:

Going flying after being hurtled into by a speeding truck.

...Okay, maybe not exactly... But I'm sure you get the point. My mentally unwell comrades, at least. Can I get a booyah?

...No? Okay.

Now, I'll admit that I'd considered it before– this whole, reincarnation thing – but I never actually thought it would happen to me.

My eyes scanned over the TPN manga in my hands – the final volume, which I was almost finished – as I stood on the sidewalk, waiting for the pedestrian light to change. I flipped to the next page, which was the last one.

A blaring horn sounded. My eyes shot up from the page. For one second, a Lamborghini was speeding my way, and in the next, I learned what it meant to literally fly high. To be yote by a car and then become one with the pavement. I wonder if they had to scrape me off of the road like you scrape food off of a frying pan.

Pavement pancake.

I flew violently over the windshield, tumbling onto the pavement, splatting like a freshly cracked egg. (As you can imagine with all of the food metaphors, I was a bit hungry.) 

As I lay there that first moment, my limbs bent in all the wrong ways, all I could think was,Wow, I bet that left a mark. Sucks to suck, you son of a bitch. After all, there was something oddly amusing about such an expensive car being tarnished by a literal human meat sack such as myself. (Thinking back on it now, I think it was the shock.)

Shock or no shock, once I realised said human meat sack, also known as myself, was dying on the road, my next thought was, Oh... Oh, shit.

I wasn't ready to die! I hadn't even read the last TPN page– and I had so many other unfinished projects! Anime, manga... you name it!Damn I thought, if I knew I was going to die when I woke up this morning, I would have completed everything on my bucketlist – So what if most of those things involved breaking and entering! That's beside the point!

In a bizarre clarity, I knew I was dying, but the whole thing felt almost... superficial. I mean, I expected some sort of dramatic moment to conclude my life– like a sunbeam splitting the clouds, or to see a light at the end of the tunnel. I definitely expected to see my dead relatives watching over me with disappointed expressions– hell, maybe even a facepalm or two. But none of that happened. Just little old me, dying on the road.

Oh! A bird did poop on me, though. I suppose that's remarkable in its own way.

I lay perfectly skill, my breaths shallow and ragged, but the world still seemed to be spinning. My vision latched onto the one thing in my focus; the open manga laying on the road, just out of my reach. If only... I could just see that last page...

At last, I felt my mind recede away to the background, as I died the way an obese great-uncle (with various heart problems) may go to sleep after a good, filling meal:

Abruptly and violently.

All that 'death stuff' aside – really quite depressing, isn't it? Now is when we get to the good part. The part anime watchers, (dubbed and subbed alike), and manga readers, (depressed as they are), actually dream of.

The part where I wake up in one of my favourite animes.

Of course, just like everything in life, it didn't go exactly as I would have hoped.


Story information.

First thing's first:

This story could be considered an oc insert because of Y/N's set appearance post-rebirth. (Yes, the fact that they look really similar to Norman does come up on several occasions.) But I will say that even if that isn't what you would hope for in a fic, you should still give it a try! It's pretty well polished, being a rewrite, and I personally think it gives an interesting look into what being reincarnated into TPN might look like :))

Now, I have one more thing to say before we get into the base info... READ THE DAMNED MANGA.


Yes, I will try to avoid manga spoilers until the moment they're relevant to the plot, but I still strongly suggest you've read a decent portion of it beforehand. The anime, (first season, (and only season in my books)), lets out on chapter 38. If you want to read the manga illegally, just type "tpn manga chapter 38" or some variation into your browser, and viola!

If anyone asks, I did not tell you to do that.

Now for some basics:

> This is a slow burn because that's how I roll <3

> In this reiteration, Y/N is gender neutral. I'll typically avoid using pronouns in general, but when absolutely necessary, I'll use they/them pronouns. Feel free to self-insert whatever gender you please; it shouldn't affect your reading experience!


> Y/N's birthday in this fic is Dember 12, 2035. (I was gonna change it because the age difference felt awkward at times, but then I remembered that Anna is younger than Y/N and if people can ship rayanna no problem it's PROBABLY FINE... That, but mostly the whole "nine year old out for blood" thing always cracked me up in the og.)

> Don't let the ocs be a turnoff! I swear, once the book gets going, it GETS GOING.

> A fun FYI I felt like adding: The chapter names starts with the date most of the chapter takes place on! It goes day/month/last two digits of year, which they also use in the tpn anime :)) (For example, 121045 is October 12th, 2045!)

> There will be uncensored swear words in the future. I'll try to use them in moderation, but I happen to curse like a drunken sailor, and I think that unfortunately does filter into my writing a little (lol)

> Unless stated otherwise, all of the art in the fic is by me! If you ever end up with fanart, send it to me on discord @ annabanana#6913, or email me at thefricksidontgive@gmail.com

FTR; my wattpad dms are always open! You're always welcome to pop in to say hi, ask questions, whatever! (No promises I'll respond right away, though)

> There's a discord server for this fic! I can't promise it's not dead (or always has fic-related discussions), but there are occasionally really col hcs, aus, and conversations there! I send little doodles and fanarts of the characters pretty often too, lol.

I'll post an invite link in the comments here!

With all that out of the way...

Welcome, new and old readers, as I try my hardest to make you laugh, cry, and threaten my life! (It happens more than you'd think)

Peace out, my darlings!

~Anna (not the character), co-author of RITPN.


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