Is There More?

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I spent my night thinking about Leah, not exactly her at first but what she said about Diana. If Diana wanted to stay here more or even full time then, would I do it? As much as home was growing on me, I had a home, life and job in the US. If I was to truly take that leap it would rock my world.

Yet, despite all the cons of moving, I couldn't deny the fact that Diana had been with me since the start. I couldn't imagine having someone else telling me what to do all the time.

I remember when we just moved to the US. In a small flat, we promised to go anywhere with each other. We'd make a name for ourselves together. I wasn't ready for that to end. There was also Leah, I'd hate to admit it but she was growing on me. I started to feel like I didn't need to take things slow anymore. Leah and I had a connection. With me in the US it would never work.

"Am I really considering moving back to London?!" It came out as if it was a cry for help. Luckily it wasn't too loud. After the echoes ended and the silence took over again I came to a decision. Again, I couldn't rush it. For now I'd wait until Diana's date. Then we'd have a talk.

After the meeting with myself, I took a shower and got ready for bed. Just before I got comfy my phone binged signaling a message.


Are you sleeping?

Just about too. Are you ok?

Yeah just thinking..

About me?

Always 😉


Oh, I got matching pajamas for us.

Really?? What color? I hope it's not green.

I know you hate green :)

Good. Well I can't wait to see it. Now go to bed.

Good night gorgeous

Good night. 💋

I put the phone down and the thought of Leah calling me gorgeous replayed in my mind like a broken record. Which put me to sleep quite quickly. I was excited about tomorrow. What could go wrong?



This girl had me drive all the way here to remind her about a zoom call. Imagine my surprise when Diana called me begging me to get through to her. I agreed because I could see the date was making her nervous. She's probably at the hairdresser right now.

I arrive at Y/N's house very quickly. Thankfully there wasn't any traffic, so getting here was easy. The door was opened by Nicola, we did our handshake and I went upstairs to Y/N. Her mom or aunt wasn't up yet so had to be quiet.

Entering her room I immediately spotted her phone. Obviously uncharged, and my best friend sleeping peacefully. Now how should I wake her up? Jump on her? Pull her out of bed? All great ideas but u fortunately they included her big mouth. So I was forced to do it the boring way. I leaned down over her, staring right at her face.

"Get your ass up. You have a 10 am meeting. Which is in 1 hour." I semi yelled making sure I dragged words so she heard each one.

"What the fuck?"

Her comment made me laugh because it almost came out in a whisper. I got up and pulled both her arms till she was in a sitting position.

"Why are you here?" She said while rubbing her eyes trying to wake up properly.

"I don't know, maybe because your phone is dead. Diana couldn't get to you."  She immediately opened her eyes widely and started searching for the phone which was nearby.

"Shit, I was talking to Leah last night and forgot." She let out, as if she didn't want me to hear.

"Interesting, you can tell me about that later. Now you need to get up. Get UP!" I shouted at her. I loved bossing her around.

She got ready quickly and prepared herself for the meeting, apparently it's her music label. I was wondering when she was releasing the next album.

I stayed until she was finished because I truly wanted to know what she and Leah talked about.  We could also spend time together as I was free for most of the day. By the time her meeting was over, everyone was up and moving around. I had helped her mom get the garden and helped her move a few pots. I played with Pickles and Nicola told me all about her work gossip. I love being with her family. I grew up with them. I shared most of the same memories as her. I never knew her dad but from the stories I felt like I knew him a little. They were great.

Her meeting ended and she came down stairs with a look on her face. Like she wasn't happy but she was determined to do something.

"How did it go?" I said with a smile, she just shrugged and flung herself on the couch beside me.

"So no new album?" This made her chuckle.

"Even if there is one, it might not be with this label." The look on her face was puzzling. She saw that I was confused so she took a deep breath and started to explain.

"I think I might want to come home. To live here. Be here with my mom and friends, it's also so much closer to you."

She paused, probably so I could take it all in. I was shocked to say the least.
I haven't heard her say this, ever. She once told me that her life was with Maya and that she didn't want to come back. I always hoped she'd changed her mind but I gave up at one point. Now I was lost for words.

"Is there more?" I asked not sure what else to expect. She nodded and I gave her the go ahead.

" With Diana probably dating Julien, she'll want to stay here. I also know she misses her family. I miss mine too. My mom is getting older and I don't know how much longer she has. I want to be here for her. I want Diana back with her family. I wanna make my own family." She said that all in one breath, I didn't know how she was still breathing after.

"Your own?" I said, it probably sounded off but I was trying to understand that part.

"I don't know what I meant. You understand me right?" She looked desperately for me to understand. Which I did.

"I do, I do. And I'm happy you think that." I tried to calm her down. She never handled pressure well. So calming her down was something I learned to do early in our friendship. I opened my arms wide, signaling  hug time. She let out a smile, laughed and and wrapped her hands around me. We both just sat there in silence for a few minutes. Whatever she was thinking would be said soon enough. I just needed my best friend to be okay.

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