>Continuation - Two Years Later...

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"Maybe Mash has mistaken." Scathach said, doubts forming in her mind. "She may have heard someone with a similar voice as him... but even so..."

"It shouldn't be possible. We already know how much Mash has changed since that day..." Artoria denied of the possibility. The two then remembered Mash's own punishment, turning her to what she is today. "Master is at Paris. We must have to look further."

With the two now away from the hotel, (Y/n) slowly peeked once again, and felt relief that they're gone now. As he's going to leave the hotel, he's stopped by the receptionist, who became suspicious of him after the two visitors.

"Excuse me, but do you know anything about the two woman that came here earlier?" They asked. He knows the two that they're referring to, thus he simply shook his head to lie about it.

"I'm sorry, I was having a bad stomachache earlier. I don't know what two woman that you mean." He lied.

"I see. Next time, please eat less spicy food while you're touring." Hearing that the receptionist has fallen to his lie, (Y/n) nods before leaving the hotel. He then ordered a taxi to go to the hotel he's staying, and slumps on the seat, exhausted after everything. Little did he know, Mash saw him entering the taxi, looking at him with tears in her eyes.


~~ >> ~~

Now at the hotel that he's staying, (Y/n) laid down on the bed to get some rest. He doesn't want to do anything anymore. All he wanted now is to sleep and forget everything about the past encounter.

'Mom... Are you here... in Paris?' He thought, believing as such since Mash and the two Heroic Spirits are here as well. Just as he going to sleep however, he heard the door knock. This struck odd to him since he didn't order anything from the hotel, so he ignored it.

But the knock is heard again. He continued to ignore it, but whoever is knocking is getting more desperate with the frantic knockings. He finally gave in and went to the door, disregarding the peep hole and went straight to opening it. Who's outside made him pale.

It's Mash Kyrielight, right in front of him once again.

This time however, he's completely recognizable since he no longer wearing his hoodie and cap. Mash meanwhile looks at him, still in her calm manner. But if one can see her in the eyes, she's ecstatic to see him again.

"Senpai. It's been so long." She said, keeping her calm manner. (Y/n) meanwhile starts to hyperventilate. He's unable to escape, and the only way to do so is by the window. But he's at the fifth floor, so doing so will only hurt or even kill him. He backed away in fear as panic sets in to him, but Mash didn't see his panic and only see him backing away, believing that he's inviting her.

"Don't mind if I do, Senpai." She said while entering. (Y/n) is too terrified to respond. His body is even shaking in fear, yet he can't do anything for it. Mash then gets close to him, looming over him as he backed against the floor.

"I've always missed you, Senpai. You didn't told me or the entirety of Chaldea about your departure." She said. "I'm truly regretful for what I did to make you leave. I no longer deserved to be by your side."

"But I can't. I can't just leave you, Senpai. Since then, I realized how much I truly love you. I don't need those beasts that call themselves men, I need YOU!"

Mash's pupil went dilated, showing an intense affection towards (Y/n). Her words are true, as she embraces him tightly with no intention of letting him go.

"I'll never leave you again, Senpai. I will be with you until my true death, and no one will hurt you ever again!"

Now with panic fully in overdrive, (Y/n) pushed her away as hard as he can, before running away out of his room. Mash turned to the outside, still in her maddening gaze.

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