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Grabbing the bag from my chair i sighed in relief as it was all for today....i looked at the clock hanging on the wall and again cursed myself internally for over working again....it was 2 am....i shurgged everything off and turned around to leave only to find a nurse panting badly....."is everything alright!?" I asked her "i-ts acc-ident ca-se ma'am it's urgent !!!!!" She managed to speak...."is Dr. Park not available?" I asked and she shook her head in no....i kept the bag again on the chair and wore my white coat....she was tensed....strange..i noticed a group of reporters outside the emergency room....the nurse made way for me as i went in but something made me froze at my place.....The famous idol Jeon Jungkook had a very bad and massive accident..what?..n-no..I
gathered all the courage inside me and made my way inside....there was a body lying....injured severely and badly....whole covered in wounds buries....i gathered courage and removed the strang of hairs covering his half mouth not ready to face the consequences....i gasped and  held my mouth.... J-Jungkook how could he be in this condition!!... unknowingly a tear slipped from my eyes...."ma'am?" The nurse shaked me making me come out of my emotions...."y-yes r-eady the OT!!" I managed to order them and looked towards the nurses putting his accesories aside..but something caught my attention....The locket....i went towards the table and picked that half heart shaped locket from the tray....it made me cry from inside....tears were flowing unknowingly from my eyes....i wiped my tears....i have to be strong....The Operation started....i put all my efforts in saving him....the only thing I could think about is saving him at that time.... FINALLY....i managed to save his life.....he was fine....he was breathing....he was shifted to a new room....i went inside his room as there was nothing but the sound of monitors beeping....i sit beside him on the chair....i touched the other half of that locket around my neck with my hand and held his hand from the other one....tears again flew from my eyes....i kissed the back of his hand with trembling hands and put his hand on my forehead....closing my eyes.... remembering how happy those moments were.....wishing this all to just be a dream....

"4 YEARS AGO...."

She looked around and covered her face nicely....making sure no one was watching her even by mistake....she made her way towards the Black mirrored black car standing at the end of the silent street....she gently open the door making sure not to make any noise and sat inside...."jagiya!!" She heard him saying beside her as he hugged her...."I missed you..!!" He buried his face in the crook of her neck inhaling her scent...."I missed you more!!" She managed to say while controlling her tears.... suddenly that boy noticed a burn mark on her back....he slided her t-shirt a little down only to find her whole back burned badly...."b-abe!!' tears formed in his eyes as she bursted into tears not be able to control anymore...."did they did this to you?" He asked gritting his teeth...."Jungkook please take me out of that place!!" She cried hard and sobbed on his neck...."they'll make me married!!" She cried and held him more tightly....he felt so helpless not being able to do anything to the love of his life...."just a little more please....my company will not allow me to date anyone..i love you y/n no one will accept us please just stay a little longer.." he looked in her eyes with tears in his eyes...."i will die without you!!" She cried and he cried too...."just a little bit!!" He patted her head as she continued to cry in his arms....He wiped her tears and drove the car towards his hidden house in a forest area....it was a small house he took just to spend time peacefully with her....he picked her in the bridal style and took her inside....he placed her gently on the bed and grabbed the ointment from the drawer.....he applied it on her back as she chuckled " what!?" He asked "do you remember how you used to treat my wounds when we were in middle school.... nothing is changed!!" She smiled weakly as he cupped her face...."you know na I can't marry you right now....y/n i love you more than anything just wait a little more!!" He ensured her as she nodded and smiled brightly making him smile too....he looked at her lips as he leaned in to kiss her gently....she kissed him back...they both kissed each other gently.....he tied a locket around her neck it was a half heart shaped...."you know what it means!!" He asked "what?" "It means I'm just a stranger without you....you have my heart....i will be incomplete without you!!" She smiled and they both spent rest of the time watching movies and cuddling....

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