Chapter Eighteen

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"We'd already paid for that food. I was only making sure we got our money's worth."

"You both put on about a stone. That weight will have to come off or the school will refuse to take Dudley. He was supposed to lose weight over the summer, not gain it."

Petunia then apologised to Hermione and Harry, but felt she had to serve them the same. While Hermione was perfectly happy with her half of grapefruit and some other fruit, Harry saw an opportunity. It was risky, but might just be worth it.

"Uncle Vernon, I know you don't like magic - and I can respect that. Magic though can do wonderful things too. One of the skills we learn is transfiguration, turning one thing into another. Your breakfast could be changed into sausage, ham and eggs…"

It looked as if Vernon was going to explode at the mention of magic, until Harry also mentioned food. It was actually Petunia who questioned her nephew.

"What's the point of that? I could easily have made their usual fry-up…"

Sensing where Harry was going with this, Hermione thought it was a brilliant idea. She tried to help him out. "When you transfigure something though, the initial material determine what's possible. If I transfigured my breakfast into blueberry pancakes and syrup, they would retain the same calories to the material I started with."

The only bit of that Dudley understood was the mention of blueberry pancakes. Vernon's ears though had certainly pricked up at the suggestion he could have practically anything for breakfast - while still maintain the diet Petunia set for them.

"Blueberry pancakes sounds lovely…" Harry had barely uttered the words when the contents on his plate changed to a stack of five pancakes, covered in syrup, with a few blueberries at the side.

Dudley's eyes were nearly popping out of his head. Not at the use of magic but rather the stack of pancakes - and that was before the delicious smell hit him. "Are they real?"

Lifting a pancake off his plate, Harry placed it on Dudley's. He then proceeded to eat the remaining pancakes Dobby had transfigured for him. Seeing Harry dig in, Dudley couldn't resist any more. His loud mmmm… at the first mouthful signalled his enjoyment, and also convinced Dudley this was what he wanted for breakfast too. His toyed with breakfast suddenly became a stack of blueberry pancakes, Dudley's wide grin broadcasting he was delighted at that.

Hermione asked if hers could be changed as well proved too much of a temptation for Vernon.

"I really do prefer…" He didn't get to say any more as two sausages, three rashers of bacon and a fried egg now stared back at him. Like his son, Vernon's first bite was also his first tiny step along the road of accepting magic. Anything that could fry his bacon and eggs exactly how he liked them couldn't be all bad.

Watching her family happily tuck in had Petunia smiling too, and that was before her breakfast changed to those tiny sandwiches a special little elf knew she loved so much. Petunia quietly whispered 'Thanks, Dobby' before enjoying the treats that were tastier than their counterparts in Fortnum and Mason's tea room.


Draco wasn't having anything like a pleasant summer. His father had been on his case from the moment he'd stepped off the train, and his mother wasn't sticking up for him anymore. His father was taking a much greater interest in Draco this summer, that wasn't a good thing as far as Draco was concerned.

He'd been given books to read, spells to learn and was then tested on everything. His only respite was two hours a day set aside for flying, though even that was becoming a chore.

Things had never been this strict at home and Draco was slowly building up to a major tantrum. Seeing this, his mother intervened. She had a quiet word with her son, hoping to offer some incentive. Draco whining at his father was the last thing they needed to happen. Lucius might withdraw his offer of giving Draco another year to prove himself, effectively throwing both of them out on their ear.

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