3 : embarrassed

40 1 1

in which ginny gets asked out to the ball

alsp help ive just realized ive been doing my formatting wrong.. excuse that ill fix it when i care


◜ best girls


lowkey afraid:ginny
harry said he'd be here around this time
he's not here

y/n ≫ he better show up

be careful ginny:hermione
he's extremely embarrassing..


he's super awkward too:cho
ive first hand experience 😬

i can just imagine him being like:pansy
"ur hand looks heavy"
"want me to hold it for u?"


...but true

i'm actually gonna cry if:ginny
that happens

the tissues r ready btw:luna

he's here:ginny
wish me luck loves

you'll need it ♥︎:hermione

y/n ≫ don't diex


(DISCLAIMER SORRY LOLLL i havent wrote an actually scene or wtv in forver so pardon me)


"Harry?" Ginny asked.

"Hey," he said, smiling "I've got something to show you."

Harry pulled something out of his pocket. It had the shape of a fairly large blanket, but overall it was too dim to see anything clearly.

"And what exactly is that..." Ginny said.

Harry let out a chuckle "A cloak. A magic one. Here, try it on."

Harry proceeded to put the odd cloak around Ginny's shoulders, her was body slowly disappearing.

(a/n idk how to write that so !)

Ginny stood still, shocked.

"Is this an invisibility cloak?"

"Right on." Harry let out a wink. He noticed a light pink complexion appearing on the red-head's skin. 

"That's how we're going to get to the Astronomy Tower."

Puzzled, Ginny asked "With both of us... under it? Won't it be a bit cramped?"

"Trust me. We'll be fine" Harry said, matter-of-factly. He has this famous 'Harry Potter smile' which is impossible to keep your eyes off of. 

(a/n again HELLL PP idk that line kinda seems unnecessary but idgaf)

Harry tucked Ginny under the invisibility cloak alongside him.

thump, thump

They were closer than ever. It was awkward. In fact, awkward would've been an understatement. The both of them struggled to walk at the same pace and in the end, weren't able to go up to the Astronomy Tower.

Instead, they ended in Professor Flitwick's classroom.

"Well... I suppose there's no point in delaying this any further." Harry said, for a second, his tough composure evaporated.

"Agreed." Ginny replied.

(a/n AGAIN um read this like its in unison

"Would you... consider going to the Yule Ball with me?"

"Will you go to the Yule Ball with me?"

Harry and Ginny both froze. In that moment, a second long pause felt like an eternity.

"Oh." Harry broke the silence first.
"Let's go back up then?"

"Right. Of course." Ginny said while covering her face. She looked like a tomato.

As they both entered the cloak again, Harry grabbed Ginny's hand. The walk back to the Gryffindor dormitory was silent. Both of them were smiling like idiots.

"You'll be my date though, right?"



◜ best trio ever

harry ≫ RON.

hello to you too, harry:hermione


how DID it go?
did u say something embarrassing

harry ≫ i mean i hope not
but i think it went well
it was kinda embarrassing...
i showed her the cloak


harry ≫ and then we got under TOGETHER
her skin is seriously so soft

r u forgetting that she's:ron
my sister


harry ≫ right. sry mate

continue anyway:ron

harry ≫ okay and then
we kept falling ...
idk how we're gonna dance together
if we can't even walk together

did u make it to the:hermione
astronomy tower at least???

what mione said:ron
did u?

harry ≫ um..
moving forward

you're kidding me.:hermione

bloody HELL:ron
this is unbelievable

harry ≫ ok well
we ended up in flicky's classroom
and we asked each other out
at the same time ..

oh my gosh:hermione

my bestfriend and my sister 🥰

harry ≫ yeah remember i'm third-wheeling in this gc


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