Year 1: Chapter 5: The Quest For Cake

Start from the beginning

Ophis was left alone in the empty room. Alone with nothing but her thoughs. Something in her mind nagged at her, so she gave voice to her thoughts.

"Is it truly, so simple? This boy, is not selfless in the slightest. Everything he does, must benefit him in some way. I cannot fathom, what this does for him. That term, curiousity. Could that feeling, truly spur one to drop what they are doing, just to satiate a nagging feeling?" Ophis dramatically monologued. She looked over at the bathroom door. "Yes...that makes sense. I am, curious. Curious, of what makes him tick. My own curiousity. My own search. My own satisfaction. He is unique. Perhaps that is the reason, I feel so attracted to him."

Wow, what a fantastic soliloquy. Give yourself a pat on the back boss, you put everyone to sleep.

"Yes...attracted..." Ophis thought for a moment, before a soft pink hue began dusting her cheeks. "A-attraction? I-I mean...I would not go that far. After all he is still a young boy, much too young to mate with." The blush started to take on an increasingly redder colour as Ophis began babbling to herself. "M-m-mate!? Why did my mind immediately jump to that!?" At this point she was so embarrassed that she actually began talking without her wierd pauses and inflections.

"Even disregarding the massive age gap, he's mean and selfish. I'd never even consider something like that." Ophis huffed before crossing her arms. Unfortunately for Ophis, her brain heard 'disregarding the massive age gap' and conjured up an image of a much older version of Y/N who was taller and handsome.

"Are you alright?" His voice was deep and gravely, very attractive.


"Did you just fucking squeak!?"

The imaginary world crumbled around her as she slowly turned her head and saw a freshly showered Y/N on the floor laughing.

"That's hilarious!" His laughter was very annoying, and incredibly unattractive.

Ophis huffed and disappeared. "Exactly. Incredibly mean and childish. I would never."


"Fuck, I don't know where to even start." Y/N slumped over.

He'd gotten pretty well acquainted with Kamurocho in the few weeks he's been here. However, he had no clue where to go.

"Perhaps, you could talk to the devil, that wants to enslave you?" Ophis suggested.

"Jesus Christ, can you speak normally? I can never tell if you're being sarcastic or not!" Y/N groaned.

"Ambiguity, breeds mystery. Can you, solve this mystery? Doubtful."

A vein popped on Y/N's forehead. "Tch. Maybe that old guy has an idea. Where'd he say his dojo was again?"

"Park Boulevard."

"Oh, that ain't far." Y/N mused as he turned onto Park Boulevard. Looking around, he noticed a lack of signs on the buildings. "Am I gonna have to go into each building searching for him?"

Suddenly a door opened and Komaki stormed out. "FINALLY!" He groaned. "I've been waiting weeks for this moment, time for our training to begin-"

"Yeah, I'm gonna cut you off there old-timer, don't want you to pull a muscle." Y/N shut down that idea. He was still spooked from that one punch and needed more time to recuperate.

"Hrmph! You youngsters have no respect!"

"Yeah, we're all lazy and disrespectful fools, yada yada blah." Y/N dismissed Komaki's rambling. "Hey, do any of your homeless buddies know about an underground cafe?"

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