Kurapika pt.2

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"Oh, and there's something I forgot to mention." Hisoka said, stopping Kurapika's attempt to leave.

"What?" The chain user asked without turning around.

"Did you know this fun fact? There's always a spider within 5 feet of you." Hisoka's sinister smile grew larger.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Kurapika asked, sick of the clowns' tricks and riddles.

But Hisoka only gave a shrug before returning his attention to the deck of cards in his hands.

Even after Kurapika had left his meeting with Hisoka his mind was occupied with what he had said. There's always a spider within 5 feet of you. What was that supposed to mean? What did Hisoka know that he didn't?

"Kurapika!" Your voice sailed through the air, stopping him in his tracks.

Turning to face you he was met with your kind smile. He would be lying if he said he didn't find you interesting. Despite having only met a couple weeks ago he felt a strong connection. And sense your first meeting you were nearly inseparable. Never more than a couple feet away from each other it seemed.

That thought stirred something in his mind. Five feet away. Come to think of it he knew nothing about you, only what you had told him. Was this what Hisoka was hinting at? No, impossible. You were trying to take down the Phantom Troupe like he was. You were also nice and had a good heart. Melody had said so that your heartbeat was a steady rhythm, like a flowing river, cool and collected. No bloodlust or anger. 

"The boss wants to see you." You said and gave him a pat on the shoulder, making your way down the hallway.

He watched as you went, but the thoughts didn't stop. You could be lying to him, deceiving him. Pretending to be his friend to stop him from destroying the Spiders. It could all be an act. He so desperately hoped he was wrong, but the feeling never left him, always lingering in the back of his mind.

Even if he thought you could possibly be a spider was evident in his mind, it didn't make it hurt less when his suspicions were confirmed. 

"Boss." You said, stepping out from the alley.

Kurapika's back was to the cold brick wall, and he could feel the swarm of emotions crowding his chest threaten to break free. He felt betrayed and angry, but also devastated. All he could do was watch as you talked to the other members so casually. He felt his heart drop when one even touched your shoulder. The simplest act but it spoke so many words. You were comfortable with these criminals. You were one.

"Sorry for the scare, I felt a presence following you and decided to tail them." You lied.

"Did you catch them?" Chrollo asked.

"Yes sir, they're behind that trash can." 

You moved so quickly Gon and Killua didn't have a chance to move away. 

Kurpika broke in that moment. You had lied to him, you had played him, and now you had betrayed his friends. How could you? How could he? He fell for you, fell for your lies, and your stupid smiles. 

Melody grabbed his arm and gave a sympathetic look to the blond before pulling him down the alley to another street. 

"How could I be so stupid?!" Kurapika shouted and clenched his fists until his knuckles turned white. "I trusted him!"

Melody pulled him into a hug, "We all did. But I don't think he betrayed us."

"What? You saw what just happened! He sold out Gon and Killua!" Kurapika argued, not giving into the hug.

"His heartbeat," Melody pulled away, "It was scared. He didn't want to. If I had to guess, he did it for you. If he hadn't turned in himself and your friends, then they would have gotten you or all of us. The mission would be all over if that happened."

Kurapika considered it, trying to take a deep breath and process her words. "Let's hope you're right. But until then, I'll consider Y/N my enemy."

Melody sighed but she knew it was pointless to keep arguing, there was no breaking through with him when he was emotional, "Let's focus on getting your friends back."

The plan was simple in theory, but it was complex and down to the second. When the lights go out, Kurapika grabs Chrollo and the boy's escape. Only half the plan worked but that was okay. They now had leverage.

Driving through the streets of York New city Kurapika stared out the window, his chains wrapped tightly around Chrollo. His mind wandering to think about you.

Then as if summoned the car stopped abruptly and there in front of it stood you. Soaked and out of breath. You walked around the car and knocked on Kurapika's window. It rolled down painfully slow.

"I have some explaining to do. Please, just listen to what I have to say." You pleaded.

Kurapika in turn opened the door, against his better judgment, and let you in. He was now squished between the head of the Spiders and you. 

"I'm sorry I never told you," You started, "But I didn't know how. You mean a lot to me, and I didn't want to ruin what we had. I joined the Troupe 4 years ago; I hadn't even heard of the Kurta clan massacre until I joined. At first, I had joined out of curiosity, see what the supposed greatest nen users were like, study them and maybe fight one of them. But after hearing about everything they had done and then I met you and saw what their heinous acts cause, I wanted to help you take them down. "

Kurapika remained silent, eyeing Melody every so often through the rearview mirror to check you were telling the truth, and so far, you were.

"You have no reason to forgive me, and I understand if you never want to see me again." You had to hold yourself back from reaching for his hand. You moved your attention to Chrollo, "But I want you to know that from this day forward I'm no longer a member of the Phantom Troupe."

Melody smiled at your statement. "His heart is steady; he has made up his mind and he said only the truth. You are a good man Y/n." 

"Thank you, Melody." You sent her a smile back.

"I forgive you." Kurapika suddenly spoke, "Melody has revealed your intentions weren't malicious and that you have a good heart. If I've learned anything it's that she has a good judge of character."

You smiled at Kurapika now, finally reaching for his hand and intertwining your fingers. Chrollo started to say something, but chains closed around his mouth. The two were trying to enjoy the tender moment before returning their attention to the grave situation at hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2023 ⏰

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