20-Hunting Tournament 2

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"The hunt was a success, may autumn treat us well. Now, for the winners." Ivan steps away and lets an older man announce the winners. The man talks about the types of monsters that were released in the woods and congratulated all those who were brave to enter.

"In third place, a man who hunted a hydra, an Anzu, a tiger, two elks- Prince Ivan Famen!" Everyone cheers for him. I clap my hands and watch him walk to his pile of dead creatures.

Since I stand in the front, I can easily see what he's doing. People gasp in horror as he grabs his knife and stabs it into the already dead hydra. I lower my fan and watch as his smile grows as he puts his hand through the chest. With a grunt, he takes out his hand and a fat, meaty heart sits in his hands. His arm is soaked with blood, his clothes are stained red. The hand that carries the knife is equally bloody.

He turns and we make eye contact. I steel my nerves as he walks to me, unsure of what he's doing. I close my fan and watch him carefully, not breaking eye contact with the mad man. He saunters over to me and his smile is unnerving. He is clearly falling into madness and I cannot escape him just yet.

"For my fiancee, I give her the heart of the beast that almost killed me. The hydra will represent my own person, for I give you my heart" He wipes his mouth, a trail of blood goes from his lips to his cheek. He extends his hand and it's clear he wants me to grab it. I hear whispers all around.

He walks forward, entering my personal space so that he can whisper in my ear. The still beating heart touches my chest and I want to puke. I inhale deeply and close my eyes. "The hydra is a sign that I have heads all around you. You cannot escape me and I will never let you go. Take the fucking heart."

"Your majesty," I open my eyes and see my brother behind the Prince, holding onto his shoulder. Ivan takes a step back and stands tall, trying to tower over my brother but they're the same height. "I shall take the heart so that my sister may never know what a heart feels like."

Elric has his hand extended, glaring at the Prince. Ivan has broken many boundaries. It's common to give a woman you're interested in your winnings, but in the form of a bloody heart is unheard of. Ivan smiles and nods, his charismatic mood has switched back on.

"My apologies, I just wanted to prove my love to your sister." He plops the heart in my brother's hand.  He steps back and my brother looks at me, silently asking if I am good. I nod and he walks away. Sebastian comes to him where he then carries the heart and then walks away.

"Uh... I shall continue." The man announces loudly, trying to tame the loud crowd. Lady Warrens is fuming, she's muttering about how awful her cousin is. I don't say anything, just looking at the red stain against my white dress. The embroidered pink flowers are ruined, I'm ruined.

"The man in second place has hunted down a griffin, a chimera, a serpopard, a basilik, three elks and a tiger- Duke Solon!" My brother stops talking to one of his soldiers and walks to his pile. Everyone cheers, congratulating him as he walks to me.

He grabs his coat and wraps it around me, covering the red splotch that has soaked into my skin. I smile as he does it, covering my body with relief. "I shall give you the pelts so that you may wear them with pride. If you seek a body part for the magic you research, it is all yours."

I smile and thank him, surprised he is supporting my research. Everyone cheers again, happy to see two happy siblings. I feel a body press against me and I see Lady Warrens trying to make eye contact with my brother but she is failing. He pats my head and then leaves.

"I always forget how handsome the Duke is." Lady Warrens sighs. I force a smile and just pat her hand that is holding onto me. "I must apologize for my cousin's deranged behavior. I will give him a stern lecture."

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