Transphobic; 2

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I woke up to the alarm blaring, Mason must've forgotten it was the weekend and to turn it off.
"Dude turn the thing off." Mason cringed and rolled over, causing me to fall off the bed.
"If you wanted me to sleep on the floor, all you had to do was ask." I joked, as he poked his head off the side of the bed.
"Sorry Joey" Mason said, scratching the back of his neck. I waved him off, signaling it was all good and patted around on the floor for my phone.
"Ah ha! I knew you couldn't hide forever!" I cried as I spotted my phone being suffocated under Mason's bed.
" I swear theres something wrong with you, yet I still hang out with you." Mason told me, shaking his head slightly as he reached for his own phone.
"OH YOU LOVE ME MASON!" I shouted before jumping up from where I had fallen and star fishing on him. Mason groaned under the sudden impact, trying to push me off.
"How did you ever figure out my undying love for you Joey?" Mason shouted melodramatically.
"Baby I could see it in your eyes. Everybody wants me, I'm just that irresistible." I told him, smirking when he rolled his eyes.
"Just don't come crying to me when some homophobic ass of a guy pops your oversized egotistical bubble." I scoffed. My ego is not that big.
"Wait. Why not a Transphobic person? Why a homophobic person? Mason! How did they come up with words like these I mean can I be Masonphobic? Or could my dad, instead of being trans/homophobic he could be Joeyphobic? No, that just sounds weird." So many phobics were running through my head and I could think straight. Haha get it, cause I'm not straight?
"That was lame Joey." Mason said mater of fact.
"Well I didn't think it was! And now I'm hella bored, so lets do something."
"And what is it that we must do, sweetheart?" Mason asked, folding his hands under his chin and widening his striking green eyes.
"Well you could always go make out with a pan like the pansexual you are! Ha see what I did there? Cause you're pansexual so you should go get it on with a pan!"
"Joey. Shut up before you embarrass yourself." He told me flatly. I straddled Masons waist and started-"OH MY GOD JOSEPH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"
"I don't know why don't you find out for yourself." I started to tickle Mason and he was laughing like a mad man. "OH MER GERSUS I FORGOT YOUR PARENTAL FIGURE WHO IDENTIFIES AS FATHER BOUGHT ME TOASTED RAVIOLIS CAUSE HE LOVES ME MORE!!" I leaped off of Mason and darted to the kitchen, pushing the doors open and the scent off food coming from the oven made me stop almost immediately.
Masons dad was standing next to the counter with his back to me, cutting up something, so I snuck over to the oven and silently opened it to see heaven cooking on a metal sheet.
"Joey get out of the oven or else you can't have any raviolis!" Mr. Abrams was pointing the knife towards me as I slowly closed the oven and stepping away with my hands up.
"Serves you right Joey! You wouldn't stop tickling me." Mason glared at me so I ran up to him and jumped into his arms.
"Forgive me Mason?!" I screamed in his ear.
"Okay okay I forgive you Joey just get down, I want food!" I let go of Mason and we sat down with plates full and talked about everything and nothing.

Hello my little Jasons!! (Joey+Mason) this is my first time writing a story so bear with me here. There's gonna be two writers, myself and WeAreJust. We are gonna try and alternate the chapters we write. All of the author's notes are going to be written by me. Have a good day!! :)

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