Did you know that if you sleep in a closet four three nights, you get a sore back?


I learned that the hard way.

I had been sleeping at Emily's but going to school.

As we walked out of the building, I saw Jason's car pull up.

I walked away, knowing mom had sent him here.

I heard his door open and close and I turned around for a split second to find that it was my mom driving it.

"Alison." She said.

I kept walking away, faster.

"Alison DiLaurentis!" She called.

"Ali what is going on?" Spencer said, not knowing that I was staying at Emily's.

I grabbed her arm and hauled her my way.

"What the hell are you doing?" She asked.

"Spencer, I need your help."

"What is it?" She waited.

"I need you to ask your parents if I can stay at your house for a while." I stated.

"What? Why?"

"I ran away. I ran to Emily's house but her mom will tell where I am if she finds out. I've been sleeping in her closet and my back is getting messed up." I explained.

"Like my parents won't tell?" She pried, with wide eyes.

"No, our parents hate each other. Your parents will understand. It's my mother and they know how she is."

"But won't your mom see you?"

"We'll be sneaky. If she finds out, I'll stay at Hanna's. If I rotate houses between you, Hanna, and Aria, then I can stay ahead of my mom. Just until I figure out what to do." I almost begged.

"I'll ask. But no guarantees." She sighed and we went back to her house.

"Mom? Dad?" Spencer asked once she went inside. I listened through the cracked window.

"Yes, honey?" Her dad replied, going through some mail.

"Ali's having some.. issues with her parents and.." She started, but hesitated.

"Alison could stay here for a while. I know how her mom gets." Her dad said.

"But, you can't say anything to her mom.." Spencer added.

"Ugh, no problem. I wouldn't talk to that witch if my life depended on it." Veronica, Spencer's mom, said.

Spencer came outside and we squealed and hugged like normal teenagers.

The Rosewood It Girl (A Pretty Little Liars Twist)Where stories live. Discover now