Chapter 13 Ghostfacers

Start from the beginning

'Okay, people. Let's cut the chatter and get on a mission. Okay? Morton house...' Ed starts as they are in the garage that holds as a office. ' of our big fish. All right, we all know the legend. Every four years, supposedly, this becomes the most haunted place in America,'

'The leap year ghost, some call it. The ghost returns at midnight just as February 29th begins,' Harry adds.

'And no one has ever stayed the night, right?' Maggie asks.

'Yeah, well, every testimony that we dug up, every eyewitness has cut and run well before midnight,' Harry responds.

'Well, that's all about to change, baby,' Ed responds.

'Absolutely true, Ed. Absolutely true,'

Ed gets a cup from Corbett. 'Mmm. That's good,'

'It's French vanilla, because the other day, you said how much you liked it, so...'

'Thank you,'

Harry is sitting in the driver's seat of a car. 'O like Corbett. I do. Shows up early, does his job, a lot of good hustle out–' Corbett knocks on the window and waves. 'I think he's got the hots for Ed, and that could spell trouble for the whole team,'

Back into the office.
'Ed's kind of more rugged, with that really golden...beautiful sort of beard. Definitely nice. Uh, and Harry's nice,' Corbett says to the camera.

'29th is this Friday, facers. We want this mission, we got to move on it now, or guess what—He's gone for another four years,' Ed begins. Suddenly there is a loud noise. Ed's whiteboard crashes to the ground, caused by the garage door it was attached to opening up.

'Oh, watch out!'

'Who is that?'

'Dad! Come on!' Ed shouts.

'Just cut the cameras. We don't need that. We don't need this part. We don't—'

There is another title card with ''Phase 2: Infiltration'' The ghostfacers are standing outside next to the chainlink fence of the Morton House.
'Stay low. Follow formation. Okay, as suspected. A lot of people have tried to break into the Morton house. The local authorities have just gotten fed up,' Ed explains.

'Looks like the cops have got this place pretty well fenced off,' Harry points out.

'Wait. Didn't you guys get, like, a permit or something?' Maggie asks.

'A permit? That's a good idea for next time,' Harry points out.

'Yeah,' Ed adds.

'Car!' Spruce shouts from behind the camera.

'Car. shh, shh! Flashlights off,' Harry orders.

'Keep totally still,' Maggie adds. There is a loud rumble of a car engine approaching, along with a radion playing ''We're an American Band''. It's the Impala, driven by Dean, slowing to a crawl, with Sam in the passenger seat shining a flashlight towards the Morton House before they drive away.

'It's okay. Not cops—just hicks,' Spruce says to the group.

'Ed's got it,'

Ed opens the gate with wire cutters. 'Guys, let's go! Let's go! Let's go!' Go! Go!'

The group gets to the foyer of the house.
'Hear that, people? Let's keep it quiet,' Ed says.

'There's the kitchen sink,' Harry points out.

'Copy that. Copy that,'

'All right, everybody. Ghostfacers, let's line up. Everybody. We'll set up camp right here. This is command center one,' Ed informs the group as they enter the living roum of the house.

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