"So, you were going easy on me this whole time?" You ask him with a smile, panting.

"Of course not! I was serious from the start."

You chuckle. "I'm not talking about the match, boom boy."

"Neither am I, bird brain." That smile you had on slowly faded as you realized what he meant. "But it doesn't matter, now. You lost."

"I lost?" You looked away from him as if you were thinking. You lifted your leg, placed it between your bodies, and tried to kick him, "Let me think." But caught it with leg and pinned both of them down. " Now I lost."

"Nagata is immobilized! Which means, Bakugo wins!"

He got off you, helped you get up and supported you by placing your arm around his nape and his hand around your waist.

"What are you doing?"

"Helping you?"

You fake a shocked gasp, placing your palm on your chest. "You know what that means?"

"I can just let you fall."

You smile, touch your forehead on his and whisper, "You will never do that."

One of the teachers came to take you but Katsuki insisted on carrying you till the nurse's office himself. You reassured them that you are fine and don't need to be carried on a stretcher and walked your way to the Recovery Girl's office.

You weren't too far from the nursery. You looked around the hall to check that no one was around and stopped walking.

"What's wrong?" He asked; his concern audible. "Are you in pain?"

"No, I told you, I'm fine-"

"Did I..." He hesitates. "Did I hurt you too much?"

You shake your head. "My right rib is broken but I'm fine."


You burst out laughing. So much you almost fall to the floor.

"I hate you."

"Sorry, I-" You stop when you take a look at his face. He was genuinely worried that he might have hurt you. And you just noticed his hands were shaking just a little. "Wow, you really are worried..."

"Of fucking course I am, you dumbass! Why wouldn't I!?"

"True. Sorry, I just wanted to congratulate you privately."


"Because I can't do this," You leaned closer to his face and did the last thing he expected you to do. Kiss him. "In front of people. Congratulations on winning the sports festival, Katsuki." You whispered.

He looked around to make sure no one saw you and mumbled, "Thanks." And kept walking you.

"Oh? You're not gonna ask why I just kissed you?"


"Damn, you're full of surprises today."

"Do you ever shut up?"

"Fine, fine, I'll be quiet."

"I'll act as if I believe you."

You start laughing again. "You could've at least given me some more time. You won too quickly." You fake a pout.

He rolls his eyes and shakes his head lightly. "You were fast." You tilt your head to his direction. "I had to be faster."

You smile at him and lean your head on his shoulder. "Thank you."

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