'Well, fuck.'

"Come on, bird brain," Katsuki whispered. "That is nothing for you, get out of there."

Let's see. You're trapped inside an iced prison with Todoroki who can immobilize you anytime soon and you are unable to escape his attack, because even if you did try to avoid it by flying, he would've already caught you by the time you manage to break out.

This can't get any worse.

"Damn it." You cursed under your breath.

You sent some of your feathers flying towards him but he froze all of them. You continued to attack him again and again with every feather you got, until you managed to slowly break the ice next to you.

When he froze the last feathers you had left, you had already dug your sword deep enough to break out. With a swing of it, you got out of the igloo.

Your wings are sensitive. Throwing every feather you have at him, knowing he'll freeze all of them was definitely not the best idea but you needed a distraction and that was your only option. Besides, you don't have much time either and there is no way this will end as a draw.

Your arms are starting to hurt because of the weight but you can't afford to turn them back to their original form yet. 'Not yet. I still need time.'

You had a plan all along. The only problem is that you need a ton of concentration to make it work. You have to keep Todoroki's eyes on you and only you.

If he notices you're trying to buy time, he might even go all out like he did with Sero. What's to stop him from freezing the whole arena again?

The ice began to melt and Todoroki was now visible and completely open for an attack. You want to attack him directly but you know he'll just raise another wall of ice, so instead you wait for him to make a move.

Your hands are trembling by now and you're about to reach your limit soon. 'Come one, just a little bit more. I can do this.'

"Are you gonna attack or just stand there?" You ask him.

"I will," He says. "But this time it'll be over."

A massive, thick wall appeared and was directed to you. You protected yourself with your swords but of course the ice is pushing you.

Damn it. You barely have any strength to slice even half of it let alone all of it to reach Todoroki.

But time is running out and you have to push yourself. 'It's close. I can make it.'

You started slicing the ice with everything you got, trying to make your way out while being in extreme pain.

Your arms could easily fall off right now but you have to keep going. Time is almost up and you have to win. You can't lose this fight. You have to fight Katsuki to the next one.

'Closer.' You won't lose. 'Closer.' You had a plan all along, it has to work.

You kept going but you felt yourself being pushed back. Todoroki probably had another wall pushing the other.

You can barely move at this point. You dug your swords into the ice and tried pushing back or breaking it or doing anything to stop it from moving.

The timer is about to go off.

'No, no, no, come on!' You just need a couple more minutes but you only have two and you're getting really close to the boundaries.

You're cold. Right, he froze all of your feathers, of course you're cold. It feels like you're trapped inside an iceberg; your temperature is low, body aggressively trembleling, your teeth starting to grind.

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